Chapter 29

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Today is Halloween. The day of Hunters party.

"So he just kissed you?" I ask.

"Yeah" Maddie nodded.

"And what happened after?"

"I kissed him back and then left"

"Aww cute do you like him then?"

She blushes.

"You doo I'm FaceTiming him now" I grab my phone and make the call.

"Nooo don't I look terrible I haven't done my makeup yet" she tried to grab my phone.

He answers the FaceTime.

"Hey Mark I heard about you and Maddies little kiss" I say.

"Mark bro why didn't you tell me?" I hear Jacob in the background.

"Umm bye we'll see you soon" he hangs up.

"Rude" I say putting my phone down.
"Anyway what's your costume?" I ask Maddie.

"I'm being a classic slutty cat" she says pulling out cat ears from her bag.

I laugh "how original".

We get changed into our outfits. I'm wearing a tight black and white striped dress that hugs my body in all the right places and Maddies wearing a tight black dress. We both have black heels on. The doorbell goes.

"I'll get it" Maddie says running downstairs.

She reappears a minute later with Mark and Jacob.

"Aww the cute couple. And Jacob" I say looking up.

Jacob pouts at me and comes to sit next to me on my bed where I'm doing my makeup.

"You don't have to wear that much makeup" he says watching me as I put foundation on.

"Yeah i do" I blend it in.

"You don't your prettier without it"

"I'm really not" I say putting on concealer.

Mark clears his throat. "If anyone's a cute couple it's you two. Are you back together?"

We awkwardly look at each other. "No" I say.

"Well why the hell not you're made for each other" Maddie says.

I look back at Jacob.

"Lauren will you be my girlfriend again?" He says.

I think for a moment. Do I want the stress of a relationship? What if I get hurt again? But I love him so much.

"Of course I will" I kiss him.

"Wooh" "yayy" Mark and Maddie cheer.

"Stopp" I say. I turn back to my makeup and put highlighter on. Then it hits me. I'm back with the boy of my dreams. I look at Jacob to see him staring at me.

"Whatt?" I ask him.

"Nothing I just like looking at pretty things"

"Your so cheesy" I laugh.


"Lauren how long does it take you to do your makeup we've been here for more than half an hour. You were supposed to be ready when we came" I complain.

"Okay calm down I'm ready" she stands up and puts on a pair of black heels. Holy sh*t she looks amazing in her dress.

"Okay we need to get a good picture of the cute newly back together couple" Mark says. "Let's go downstairs to get a good background"

It all starts with a smile (Jacob Sartorius)Where stories live. Discover now