Chapter 32

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I wake up to my phone ringing the name reads 'mom' I shoot up and click answer.

"Hello, mom?"

"Hello is this Lauren Williams?" That's not my mom.


"I'm so so sorry Lauren your parents were in a car accident and they both passed away instantly".

"No" I whisper tears falling from my eyes.

"I'm so sorry your auntie will be in touch with you about funeral arrangements"

The phone slips out of my hand and I start balling my eyes out.

How did this happen? I need my parents. I need to see them again. I can't be at Jacobs house right now.

I get up, grab my keys and run down the stairs. I go outside and don't even bother to put shoes on. I just run and run through the chilly November air until I finally find myself standing outside my front door. I unlock it and go inside. All around me I see pictures and memories of them. I pick up a picture frame from the mantelpiece. The picture inside it is of the three of us on Christmas Day. We all look so happy and carefree. I smash the picture on the ground.

"Why did you have to die?" I shout. "I need you and you both left me"

I pick up more and more picture frames and smash them until the house is a complete mess. Then, I sit down and curl into a tight ball and cry my eyes out rocking back and forth. I stay like that for hours.

Eventually I peel myself off the floor and stagger upstairs before collapsing into my bed and crying myself to sleep.


Where is Lauren? I haven't seen her all morning and when I went into her room her phone was shattered on the floor so I had no way of reaching her. I go back into her room and pick up the phone. I unlock it and see that it is open on the phone app. The most recent call is from an unkown number so I decide to phone it.

"Hello how may I help you?"

"Um why did you phone this number earlier?" I ask.

"Are you a friend of Lauren's?"

"Her boyfriend, Jacob"

"Oh did she not tell you the news?"

"No I can't find her. What news?"

"Both of her parents died in a car accident yesterday" The woman on the other side of the phone says.

"Oh my god" I hang up the phone. I have to find her. Oh god I hope she's not done anything stupid. Think Jacob. Where could she be? I'll go to her house and see if she's there.

I put on some shoes and grab my phone then I leave. I walk there quickly and find the door unlocked. Yess she must be here. I walk inside and see smashed picture frames all over the floor. What the hell. After walking round the first floor of the house and not finding her I go upstairs. The first room I reach is hers and I see her asleep on her bed.

I start to tear up at the thought of how much pain she must be in right now. I lie down on the bed beside her and fall asleep too.

I only sleep for half an hour or so since it's the middle of the day. I get up but Lauren's still sleeping. I don't want to wake her so I go downstairs and make myself something to eat. Before I eat I phone my mom and tell her the situation. Then I tidy up all the smashed photo frames. I take out the photos but throw all the glass and frame into the trash. When I'm done I text Maddie and Mark and tell them to come over. When they get here I tell them about Lauren's parents and they both look so upset.

"Where is she just now?" Maddie asks.

"Sleeping. I don't want to wake her."

We watch tv for a bit but none of us can concentrate on it.

I hear the stairs creaking and I turn round to see Lauren coming. I get up and walk towards her. When I reach her I wrap my arms around her and hug her tightly.

"I'm so so sorry Lauren"

She sobs into my shoulder and we stay there for a while. When she finally pulls away Maddie hugs her.

"We're all here for you Lauren. If you need anything at all you can just ask us." She says.

Then Mark hugs her. "You can get through this Lauren. I know you can your so strong"

"Thank you guys so much I don't know what I'd do without you" Lauren says softly.

I grab her hand and we sit on the couch together for a while until Mark and Maddie have to leave.

"So what do you want to do? Do you want to stay here or come back to my house? Or I could stay here?" I ask her.

"Hmm can we go to your house?"

"Of course baby lots of your stuff is still there so we can just leave now." I kiss her and we stand up.

We walk out of her house making sure to lock the door behind us and start walking hand in hand to my house. When we get there my mom greets us at the door and hugs Lauren.

"Lauren honey I'm so sorry about what happened to your mom and dad. As I said before you can stay here as long as you want and if you ever need anything don't be afraid to ask"

"Thanks" she smiles weakly and we go up to my room.

"Do you want anything to eat?" I ask her.

"Yeah I'm actually quite hungry I haven't eaten anything all day" she says.

"What do you want?"

"Hmm let's go for a drive I fancy a McDonald's" she says grabbing her keys.

"Are you sure your okay to drive" I ask her seriously.

"Yes I'll be fine" she assures me.

It all starts with a smile (Jacob Sartorius)Where stories live. Discover now