Chapter 15

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"So who's your girlfriend?" Cam teases.

I had just gone into the room where all the boys are chilling and eating.

"She's called Lauren" I tell him. "And please try not to scare her".

Cameron laughs and turns round to talk to Aaron.

The door opens and Lauren walks in.

"Hey what did your mom say?" I ask her.

"Well she can't pick me up tomorrow so is it ok if I come back with you on Monday?" She asks me.

"Yeah of course" I say.

I introduce her to all of the boys individually. They are all really nice to her but I noticed that Hunter was staring at her butt when she had her back turned to him.

"Hunter" I hiss.

"What" he says looking up.

"Stop it"

He goes red realising that I saw him.


Jacob introduced me to all of the boys and they all seem really nice. Especially Hunter and Blake. We all talk and get to know each other.

After an hour or so a car comes to take us all to the hotel. I am sitting in the very back with Jacob to my left and Hunter to my right.

Cameron plugs his phone into the aux cord and starts playing songs. We all sing along and dance.

At one point Hunter reaches and grabs my thigh. Weird. I pretend not to notice maybe he didn't mean to. I go on my phone and scroll through Instagram. I follow all the magcon boys on Instagram and Twitter and add there snapchats.

When the song jumpman by Drake is playing. We all dance along and Hunter grabs my thigh again. This time I look up at him. He smiles at me but I just ignore him and turn round to Jacob.

"How far is the hotel?" I ask him.

I was beginning to feel uncomfortable in the car with Hunter.

"Not far. Oh look we're here" He says.

Thank god. We all get out of the car and go into the hotel. There a few fans waiting for the boys so they stop to take pictures with them. We then all go up to our rooms.

Me and Jacob are staying in room 325. We decide to explore the hotel and get some food.

We go downstairs and find that there is a Starbucks in our hotel. Yesss. We order then sit down to eat.

Once we are finished our food we explore the hotel and go up to the top floor. I open a door and we walk outside. We are on the roof.

"Wow this view is amazing" says Jacob looking over the city.

"Not as amazing as you" I say hugging him.

We stay on the roof for a while and then go back to our room because it was getting cold. I go into the bathroom and get changed into my pyjamas since its 12:30am. When I come back out Jacob is changed as well.

We cuddle up on his bed and watch the tv. Suddenly there's a knock on the door. I get up to answer it. I am greeted by Hunters face. Great. He immediately smiles as soon as he sees me.

"Hey everyone is at Cameron's room and we are about to film a YouTube video if you want to come"

"We'll be there in a few minutes" says Jacob coming up behind me.

"Okay" says Hunter walking away.

"Jacob do you have a hoodie I can wear? I'm kind of cold" I ask him. I'm only wearing a t-shirt and shorts.

"Yeah of course" he goes into his suitcase and pulls out a grey hoodie. On the front of it are his initials in big writing and his name in small writing underneath. I'd seen a few girls wearing the same one at magcon earlier.

"Thanks" I say putting it on.

We head out of our room and walk towards Cameron's.

I knock on the door and Dylan answers.

"Hi come in" he greets us with a smile.

We walk into the room and see everyone sitting on a bed infront of a camera.

"We are about to do the 7 second challenge come and sit down" Cameron says.

Me and Jacob sit down on the bed next to the rest of them and Cameron turns on the camera.

We start the video and it's really fun but things get a bit crazy and all the boys start wrestling and getting loud. At one point the manager comes to the room and tells us to be quiet.

After we've finished we all sit around on our phones for a bit.

"Lauren can I speak to you? In private" says Hunter looking at me.

"Umm okay" I say.

He leads me out of the room and we stand in the hallway.

"I just wanted to say your really pretty and I have to do this"

Before I can even process what he said his lips are pressed into mine and for some reason I'm kissing him back. No. I can't do this. What I have with Jacob is perfect I can't ruin it.

I push him off.

"Hunter what are you doing? I'm with Jacob" I ask him.

He just shrugs his shoulders and walks off to his room.

I go back to my room and get into bed. Before I go to sleep I text Jacob.

Lauren- Back in the room about to go to sleep❤️

Jacob- Okay I'll be back soon❤️

I turn my phone off feeling incredibly guilty and try to sleep.

It all starts with a smile (Jacob Sartorius)Where stories live. Discover now