Chapter 20 Act Like You Love Me

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Chapter 20 Shawn's POV
I made my way to the punch bowl. Music was like blading my eardrums out of my ears. If that's even a thing. Girls were looking at me. I think it could be (A) I'm naturally cute "just kidding" or (B) they're fans.
"Hi Shawn." A girl came up to me.
"Hi! What's up." I smiled.
"May I have a picture!" She began to cry.
"Aw, of course!" I gave her a big hug.
"You're my hero, and your songs just keep me going. Thank you for doing what you do Shawn." My heart lighten up. She was so sweet and caring.
"Thank you. I love you guys! And it's you that have helped me." I took a picture with her and she left with tears of joy. A smile was on my face that wouldn't leave. These are the moments that will be with me for a lifetime. This feeling of knowing someone appreciates what I do is so great that words can't even describe it. That's one of the best part of my job. I get to inspire people. I grabbed glass and poured some deliciously fresh punch until Ashely hopped right on the side of me.
"Wear can a girl like me steal a handsome stud like you." She began to brush her hand down my arm.
"Well you have Zak. He's handsome." I smiled. She frowned.
"Nice chat. Now excuse me. I have a girl to attended to." I brushed right past her feeling good. Leaving her behind me knowing she wouldn't bother me. Hopefully..
I put our drinks down at the table as a slow song began to play.
"The other guy" by Jesse McCartney. I loved this song and his work. Couples began to join on the dance floor. I knew this has to be my moment. I fixed my tie up a put my hand out.
"Ainsley, may I have this dance?" She smiled and grabbed my hand. I walked her to the dance floor and found our spot right next to other couples that were happy and looking into their friends, or boyfriends, or even girlfriends in the eyes.
I put my hand on her waist and linked hands with her.
"If I'd had it my way I'd never let you walk out the door
But my heart is heavy with something that I just can't ignore." I sang a couple of lyrics from the song.
"I love this song. I believe it shows something I think people don't see." Ainsley just listened as I spoke.
"It shows a point of view of guy, how them hurting may be more important than a girls decision towards which man she should love." I explained.
"I agree." She laid her head on my chest and I kissed the top of her head.
"Ainsley?" I whispered.
"Shawn?" She whispered back.
"I love you." She lifted her head up and my heart dropped. I couldn't tell if she was shocked or not, but I know exactly how I feel. I love her. I mean it. She makes me excited every time I see her and she make me happy.
"I love you too Shawn." I smiled. This has to be a great moment by far. All I wanted was her and her to love me the way I loved her. I leaned in and gave her a kiss.

After three hours of tons of fun! We Finally hit the road to go home.
"Tired?" I asked her as she yawned.
"Not tired. Just in the party mood!" She laughed.
"I really do love you." I added.
"I know. Me too." She kissed my hand.
"Alright so I have extra clothes in the back of my trunk. Is it okay with you I change in your house and then leave? It will just be easier so I can go to sleep right away."
"Yes that would be fine." Yes. Being comfortable is amazing! And the greatest thing ever.
"We're you intimidated by Zak at all tonight?" She asked.
"No. I wasn't. I don't mind him right now. I'm just, actually is okay if we change the subject?" She nodded. I didn't want to talk about Zak. Honestly, I'm really sad that man doesn't want to be part of my life anymore. I can't tell why. That bothers me really bad. All I want are answers and it's becoming extremely difficult to get them. I parked the car and walked her to her door. It was mid night and I had a great time with Ainsley. I know she did too. I totally killed it when the Dj played the "Cupid Shuffle" man I owned the door floor and everyone knew I did.
"Are you hungry Shawn?" She asked while trying to take off her necklace.
"Let me help you. Oh, and no. Thank you though." I walked behind her and I helped her. As I did I kissed the back of her neck. I felt her breathe a little heavy. I moved her hair and brushed my hand down her arm. She turned around.
"I have to go change." She turned quickly and walked into her room.
Alright Shawn, you did nothing wrong. Think think! No maybe she's not ready. No I'm not ready! Wait, no. I want her because I love her. I took a deep breathe.
"Calm on Shawn make your move." I told myself. I tilted my head to give it a little crack.
I walked to her room and slowly opened the door. She was trying to unzip her dress from behind and many she was struggling. I began to laugh to myself because it was pretty funny. I walked behind her and unzipped it for her and she jumped.
"Shit Shawn!" She took a deep breathe.
"You scared the living hell out of me."
"Sorry. Saw you were struggling." I giggled and she tagged along. She stepped close to me. And began to unbutton my vest and my long sleeve.
"Ainsley." I stopped her.
"I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. At all."
"You don't. I trust you. I really do Shawn." I put my hand on her cheek and gave her a small kiss. She took my shirt off and I began to kiss her. I went down her neck as I could feel her breathing. I went back up to her lips.
"I love you." I told her.

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