We meet again

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Rachel's POV

"Why?" I sighed but I followed my dad  who was walking inside the tall and elegant-looking building.

"It has been quite a while since I've meet my friend and I'm sure you remember him." He said.

I stopped walking and scanned around the building. I knew this place, I have been to this place. The interior was undeniably familiar making  it hard to forget. The elevator had scenes from music videos and it hit me, this was YG.

Suddenly, a man came out from the elevator and greeted my dad with a hug.

"It's been a while Ronald ya!" The CEO of YG grinned at my dad.

"Is this Rachel?" He asked looking at me.

"Yeah it's her." My dad replied.

"Annyeong haseo." I bowed and greeted him.

"Wah, you've grown up." He smiled at me.

"It's been 6 years." My dad said.

"Time flies when you're having fun. Ah, I just thought of something."

"Big Bang is in need of one model for their new mv and I think you are just perfect for it."

"Are you interested?" He asked me.

"Of course!" I smiled.

This could boost my progress for my modelling career. This is perfect! I could not wait!

"Tell me your manager's number and I'll discuss with him about it." He said and I obeyed him and gave him my manager's number.

"Thank you so much." I smiled gratefully at him.

"I should be the one thanking you."

Suddenly someone crashed into me that resulted in me and the stranger crashing down on the cold hard floor.

"I'm so sorry." A deep and familiar voice muttered.

I looked up and both of our mouths were wide open and our eyes were wide with shock.

"A-are you?" He stuttered.

"Yes, I am Rachel." I said and gave him a fake smile.

"Oh really? Woah, it's nice to meet you again Rachel." He smirked and extended his hand which I shook unwillingly because YG and dad were watching us.

YG had a knowing smile while dad was watching us with pure curiousity.

"So I see both of you have known each other." YG smiled.

"Yes." Choi Seung Hyun grinned.

"We attended the same school." I said.

I was was born in Korea and raised in Korea but I had to move to USA when I was 16.

I met Choi Seung Hyun when I was 15. He was my senior but we hated each other.

Because of one simple incident. I still had a grudge on him yeah, no matter how attractive he looked, I was still holding on a grudge on him but he seemed to be impressed and he was smiling cockily.

He walked away after he greeted Mr Yang and dad.

"That was tense." I muttered under my breath before walking in the huge cafeteria.

"Come sit with me." Seung Hyun called.

I glared at him and decided to reject his offer but dad and Mr Yang were there.

I sat across from him and asked him in a hushed tone.

"What were you thinking?"

"What? I can't catch up with my old friend?" He asked, smiling.

"I still hate you, you know." I muttered.

"You're still holding on a grudge? Really Rachel?" He snorted and grinned at me.

"Was I that bad to you?" He asked seriously.

"Of course. You used to embarrass me every single time!"

"But we're equal right? You used to call me idiot everytime even in front of my crush."

I laughed at the memory when his face was a deep shade of red and his crush was looking at him and trying not to laugh at my insult.

Surprisingly, he was also laughing. I thought he would throw his food at me.

"Remember that time when I tripped you and-" He was shaking with laughter and unable to finish his sentence while my face was turning red.

"Don't." I warned.

"When you tripped and I remember your panty was batman."

"No it wasn't." I lied.

I used to be obsessed with superheroes, still am.

"Yes, it was." He laughed again.

"Isn't it nice? Catching up with my fellow enemy?" He asked, grinning.

"Only because we shared many embarrassing but funny moments." I laughed.

"I would really like to catch up with you soon." He said.

"Can I have your number?" He asked.

After I gave him my number, we talked about our life. How it dramatically changed.

How he was still immature and how I changed into a not-so-tomboy girl. I used to be tomboy and I hung out with guys instead of girls. I played basket and I hated skirts.

We changed so much now.

"Seems like they're almost done." Seung Hyun said.

"I have to go." I said.

"I missed you, Kim Rachel." He smiled at me.

"I missed you too, Choi Seung Hyun." I smiled back before walking out of the huge cafeteria along with my dad but I wanted to stay and talk to Seung Hyun.

I missed my enemy.

We Meet Again (Top/ Choi Seung Hyun Fantiction)  completedWhere stories live. Discover now