25. The Runaway bride

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Rachel's POV

Everything went so fast, like a speed of the lightning. I did not get to see anyone's face exept for SeungHyun's when I pulled him with me before exiting the entrance door. The shocked look was evident on his face and his eyes widened when I pulled his hand to run with me.

Nothing else mattered now. It was now or never.

I ran, we ran.

The warmth of his hand radiated through me and I never felt more at home. As we ran and ran, I could not help but feel happy inside.

I was holding SeungHyun's hand and it never felt more real. It felt like a dream to have him near me after all the threats my dad spat on me.

We were already at the parking lot of the building. I looked at him.

His face was sullen and sad but a hint of gratefullness was still evident in his dark eyes.

"Where's your car?" I asked hurriedly, afraid of being caught by the securities.

He let go of my hand before walking ahead of me.

I followed him and he opened the door at the passenger side before letting me in and went in to the driver's seat.

As he started the car, I saw the securities went out of the building and started to run our way.

He sped quickly and I had to clutch the leather seat to prevent to fall sideways.

I closed my eyes tightly to prevent the nausousness that had crept up to my stomach to be worse.

And then we were out of the securities' eyesight.

I expected SeungHyun to speak up because I was to embarrassed and angry for myself to talk to him.

To face him again.

But because of my selfishness, I decided to pull him with me because I could not bear to leave him and marry off someone I did not even like.

But, no words were exchanged and the car was so cold, just like the mood SeungHyun was giving off.

His coldness aura hit me hard in the face but I deserved it.

"I'm sorry." I muttered softly.

He glanced at me, his expression stoic, devoid of any hint of expression.

Then he continued to drive.

He did not reply. He just continued to drive.

Then he sighed before giving me a side glance.

"I understand." He sighed, despite the angry look in his eyes.

"No you don't. I was forced to be enggaged with him and I did not know what to do." I heaved a sigh.

This talk was full of sighing. It was even depressing to think about it. The tension was so thick that I became unsure of starting this conversation. It made me feel worse, to see him so upset.

"Let's talk after we arrived at the destination." He replied and I knew that he meant it. His tone sounded final.

This statement was meant to be the last statement being spoken before we arrived at the destination.



I casted a slight glance at his way before noticing his watery eyes and without realising, a tear trickled down his cheek.

He was crying.

I held his hand in mine without saying anything and then he gripped my hand tightly and gently squeezed it.

My vision blurred.

Sometimes action speaks louder than words.

The drive continued with us crying together while holding on to each other.

This too, was enough for me.

Just being with him and holding his warm hand and crying together.

No words of comforts were exchanged, just holding on to each other, trying to stay strong together as we were breaking down.

SeungHyun turned to me unexpectedly and folded his lips into a straight line, he seemed to be trying not to laugh out loud.

He failed miserably as he bursted out laughing whilst shaking his head at me.

Bipolar much?

I looked at him confusely before asking him what was wrong with him.

He told me to look at the mirror in the dashboard and I gasped, horrified by what I saw in the mirror.

My face was tainted with black streaks of mascara and I looked horrible.

I searched for tissues and gratefully took one and wiped my face.

The vibe was more on the chill side which was a relief because I could not put up with all those cryings we did earlier, I needed some time to think and actually have fun with SeungHyun with no worries as we both reunited.

We Meet Again (Top/ Choi Seung Hyun Fantiction)  completedWhere stories live. Discover now