29. Heartbeat

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I was panting when I woke up to the dissapointing view. I walked out of my assigned hospital room and made my way to the receptionist.

"Can I ask what happened to Rachel Kim?" I asked the receptionist.

She tapped on her computer and read the screen several times and after waiting for her to look up and inform me about Rachel's whereabout, she gave me a sad look before sighing.

"There's no patient registered under the name of Rachel Kim. I'm sorry." She apologised.

"Are you sure?"

"I checked about 3 times but there is no patient in this hospital who is named Rachel." She said and went back to her job.

I rushed to the emergency room while trying to find any hints of Rachel's whereabout.

Maybe she was at the operating room.

The emergency room consisted of many people as the blaring of ambulance was still audible. I walked to the security to ask him about Rachel, I was sure he would know about it because Rachel was a popular actress.

Some people recognised me but I was in too much of a hurry to pay them any attention.

As I walked to the security, the words he said sent a shiver down my spine and I could not process what he had said.

The security looked like he was mourning.

"She was such a great actress. How could this happen? I'm not bringing her to the morgue, I just can't." He sighed as he pushed a stretcher that was covered in a white cloth with a body inside to the direction of the death room.

My knees were shaking as I tried to catch up with the security who was pushing the metal stretcher.

No, Rachel could never be dead. She promised. She would never leave me. I would never let her.

I tried to catch up to the security to ask him about the identity of the corpse but I just couldn't, because deeply, I knew that I was not prepared to hear him mourn about Rachel. This could not be true.

My knees gave up as I fell to the ground and sobbed loudly, not caring about the stares that people were throwing at me.

I never thought about losing someone who I truly cared about. It hurt so much. The pain was unbearable and I was crouching on the ground with my tears flowing freely out of my eyes.

A nurse walked to me and crouched down beside me. She gave me an understanding look as if she understood what I was going through.

"Mr Choi SeungHyun?" She asked gently, as if she was handling a broken glass.

I continued sobbing, my heart was beating so fast as my mind played all the flashbacks I had with Rachel and the numbing feeling was still there unable to fade.

I stood up and wiped my face. The nurse patted my back encouragingly as if she was giving me strength.

I gave her a nod before walking to the hospital entrance before finding myself being face-to-face to the guy who invited me to Rachel's wedding.

Her brother.

"I am so sorry." He apologised to me as he patted my back.

His voice was cracking as he told me that.

"For everything." He finished.

I was silent.

"It was all my fault. If only I did not involve you. I thought she would go to you when I invited you and I am glad she did until my dad-"

He stopped and sighed defeatedly.

"He threatened me. And I hated myself for it." He confessed as his eyes were getting redder.

"It was my fault. I shouldn't let her drive." I managed to croaked out.

Her brother looked terrible and the red bruise on his forehead that was caused by Rachel made him look worse.

"Aren't you going to treat your wound?"

He looked at me confusedly.

I pointed to his forehead and he managed to let out a forced chuckle before sighing heavily and began to sob.

"I'm such a bad brother. She deserve someone so much better than me as her brother." He sobbed.

I did not know how to confort him because I, myself was still fighting the urge not to break down again. I was already tired from my sudden breakdown earlier and I could not imagine something so precious to be taken away from me, forever.

A tear slipped off my eyes as I muttered.

"I'm not ready to lose her yet." I sniffed.

"I don't want to lose her again." This time, my vision was blurred with pool of tears that were about to spill down.

"You're not going to lose her again, she's just in a coma." Said a deep voice.

I looked up to see her father's stressed out look as he walked to me.

"She's in a coma." He said and this statement had triggered the rate of my heartbeat as I looked confusedly at her dad.

"She's alive?"


Hellooo! I'm back! Since I'm done writing this book, I'll publish one chapter and an epilogue tomorrow!


See you soon!!

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