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Rachel's POV

"Welcome." He mused, his eyes twinkling as he let me into his house.

"How was your first day work?" He asked me as I sighed and shook my head.

"Stressful." I muttered as he chuckled lightly at my expression.

Being the chief editor of a well-known magazine company was stressful, but I enjoyed it a lot. I got to show my creative side and actually did not have to take good care of my image like I usually had to.

As I entered his house,

I saw a huge black and white painting on his wall, it looked so familiar. I took several steps to take a better look at the painting then turned to him with my huge widened eyes as the realisation hit me hard.

"That is-"

"Yes, what do you think about it?"

I was dumbfounded as I tore my gaze away from the painting and turned to look him.

"Oh my god."

"I bought it and placed it here so I could look at it whenever I think of you and it would feel like you're there with me." He said.

When we had gone to a museum in France, I took an interest in that painting and who would have thought it would land at SeungHyun's house.

I could not utter a single word as I jumped and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you."

"For you." He hugged me back.

We walked to his kitchen as he started to wear a black apron and gathered some ingredients for him to cook.

I put my purse on the couch as I walked behind him.

"I'll set the table." I volunteered as he was already starting to cook.

The dinner consisted of two bowls of steaming hot spicy ramen accompanied by kimchi. We ate and chatted like we normal do until I noticed a sudden change in SeungHyun's expression, he looked nervous.


He stood up abruptly and went down on one knee in front of me, taking out a small black velvet box as he opened it, revealing a huge diamond ring.

"Will you marry me?"



Hey guys!!! I'm sooo happy they ended up together!!!

This is it, this book is officially completed! For the readers who have been reading from the very start, THANK YOU for being patient with my slow and unpredictable updates. I'm extremely glad, yet sad at the same time to have to end this book.

Once again, thank you soo muchh for reading this book.

See you soon.


We Meet Again (Top/ Choi Seung Hyun Fantiction)  completedWhere stories live. Discover now