21. Unexpectedly

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Rachel's POV

I was wearing a white t-shirt, denim jeans and red heels and then SeungHyun came out, his hair dishelved and his outfit was the same with mine well, except for the heels. He was wearing a pair of light brown timberland boots.

He looked at me before flashing his boyish grin.

"We're twinning." He said as he skipped to the shooting venue excitedly.

We were having a video shooting for a new york brand and the theme was casual yet stylish.

We had to walk to the road and act all lovey dovey. It was alright and fun until it started raining outside.

Everyone rushed to the room but since it was raining so heavily, we were drenched until the the director told us to continue filming outside.

We filmed while it was raining but it was fun. We danced around and hopped happily until I fell to the ground because the heels were making it hard for me to dance.

Ignoring my embarrassment, I decided to stand back up before the director yelled.

"Stay that way!" He yelled at me, causing everyone to shut up as the dripping of the rain was the only sound I could actually hear.

"TOP, lay above her."

So he did and our face were only inches apart.

"Rachel, close your eyes and TOP close the gap slowly." He suggested.

SeungHyun slowly leaned over and as our lips touched, the directly yelled 'cut'.

Wow, the filming turned out differently but thanks to the director, it turned out to be amazing.

Everyone came back into the room, their shirt drenched with the rainwater but they were all cheering at us.

The director patted me and thanked me for working hard before he moved to SeungHyun and did the exact same thing. It was fun and surreal.


Since we were in New York for the filming, we were told to attend New York Fashion show along with Jiyong who was also invited.

I was getting ready and changing into my outfit. It was just a simple baby blue dress and I paired it with white heels.

I walked out from the car and walked alongside SeungHyun and Jiyong who were walking to the venue. We kept our heads high and walked straight to the red carpet. The flashes of the camera were eye-blinding and the shoutings of the paparazzis were so loud I could not hear what I was being told to do by the staff.

SeungHyun studied me before he gripped my wrist while whispering to me. He told me to follow Jiyong and him and not to be bothered by the flashes of the cameras and the loud noise.

I gave him a smile before he squeezed my hand in a comforting manner before letting go of my hand.

Jiyong was smiling charmingly as the he faced forward, looking at one direction then another for pictures. His hair was now black and cut neatly but he still had the swag.

Meanwhile, SeungHyun was wearing a blue suit and his platinum coloured hair was gelled to the side. Even with this kind of hairstyle, he looked cool.

When the fashion show started, I was already preparing to turn on my camera at my phone and everyone had done the same.

Suddenly, SeungHyun and I were being ushered by a staff to the backstage. Since the staff was speaking incoherent words, I decided to just follow him and ended up being in the backstage of the show.

"You two! Need to walk down the runway since both of you are now the face of this brand!" The director announced happily.

I changed into a simple white lacy blouse and a pair of leather high-waisted shorts.

The makeup was done simply by a flick of powder and a kickass red lipstick.

My hair was just wavy and neatly placed to the side.

Everything was perfection until I was told to walk on the runway alongside SeungHyun.

It was fine at first but halfway through the runway, my feet was aching due to the killer heels. I forced myself to walk confidently, my smile hid the pain until I noticed SeungHyun looking at me.

"What?" I whispered.

"You must be in pain." He commented.

And here I thought I was a pretty good actor.

His eyes shifted to my now redened feet and in a blink of an eye, I was being carried bridal style by SeungHyun.

It was embarrassing but the crowd erupted with applause and wolf whistles.

And because of that, I got a call from YG regarding the rumours about my relationship with non other than TOP.

We Meet Again (Top/ Choi Seung Hyun Fantiction)  completedWhere stories live. Discover now