15. It will all pass

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Hello guys, I'm back♡
Thats Rachel's outfit for the party.

Rachel's POV

I was fine with it but I was not ready for the fake rumours and hates to be thrown to me.

Just after several minutes of the interview I did to clear my name was released in the media, everyone was making a big deal about a picture that TaeHyun had posted.

TaeHyun had posted a picture of me sleeping at the filming venue. My hair covered my face slightly and the script was on my lap.

And because of that one picture that TaeHyun had posted, everything went wrong.

Why would TaeHyun post that picture of me sleeping and not to mention, my mouth was slightly open because of snoring.

TaeHyun had posted the picture after  my interview video was posted to the media.

My manager was busy on the phone talking to YG and explaining everything.

YG said his office was blaring with phonecalls asking for my comments.

My social media accounts were all flooded with negative comments from the public.

I was still at shock because I could not process what had happened at once.

I couldn't even cry because I was too shocked to actually cry.

I never thought it would be that painful to be wrongly accused just because of one misunderstanding.

I called SeungHyun and he didn't even bother to pick up his phone.

After 20 missed calls, he did not even bother to call me back or let me explain.

My make-up artist was comforting me but it all went to waste because it felt like everything was falling apart.

Until I received a call from TaeHyun.


"I'm so sorry. It wasn't me, really. I didn't post the picture, it was Yoon Ah." He said warily.

"It's your girlfriend and you don't even know what to do with her?" I snapped.

"I'm so sorry. We are not really dating, it was only for public attention and when the scandal of you came out, she asked to meet."

"After we met, she saw my phone wallpaper and uh, it was the picture that she posted at SNS." He shyly confessed.

"Why would you set my picture as your wallpaper?"

"Because I like you!" He snapped back.

I fell silent. Taken aback by his sudden statement.

"So when I went to get our drinks, I guess she took my phone and posted that picture of you that I had taken."

"I'm really sorry, Rachel."

"My manager was fuming. What are you going to do about it?" I asked.

"My agency had agreed for me to tell the truth to the media. About my fake relationship and about the misunderstanding. I'll take care of it, I promise."

"Alright, thank you."

"And about your relationship with TOP, congratulations."

"I'm sorry, TaeHyun. For not being aware of your feelings."

"It's fine. I'm sorry too, for causing you problems."


I guess the best option was to not release the MV that I had filmed with SeungHyun but it was released today and more drama was about to really happen.

YG told me that I had to go to a party which was always hosted every year and he told me that everyone who was signed under YG has to go.

YG told me to not comment on anything because it would only result in more drama and TaeHyun's agency was trying to explain the truth to the public. It was the only way to handle such drama. So I had no choice but to keep myself away from the public and not get caught by the paps.

It was not hard but it did not help with my anxiousness either.

So yeah, that was my current situation now.

Since it was a simple party, I did not even bother to check myself in the mirror.

I grabbed the first black outfit I saw and wore them.

SeungHyun was still not answering my calls, I wondered if he would be there.

Shit, after I was away from his calls and everything, I realised how much he could affect me and it was scary.

I felt blank and lonely, with my situation now, I think it was understandable but the fact that SeungHyun ignoring me was making me feel worse than I should have.

My van arrived and my manager came and gave me an encouraging smile.

I forced a smile.

"It will all pass, nothing lasts forever." He said.

"You make it seem like I'm having a breakup."

And I stopped.

Was SeungHyun actually wanted to end our relationship?

"Just stop thinking and go to the party. Stuff your mouth with food and you'll feel much better, I promise." He gave me a smile and hopped in the passenger seat.

Hyeri unni wasn't around so I was alone in the backseat.

My manager turned on the radio and to make it worse, SeungHyun's song that he had wrote for me was playing on the radio.

What a life.


I'm back! Although it's not the end of my examinations but, I just wanted to post at least a mini chapter.

I'll update soon and I'll be updating twice a week after exams are over!

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