22. We're dating

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Rachel's POV

"Since this is going to be the last public appearance for TOP before going to millitary service, what do you want to tell your fans?" The interviewer asked the person beside me.

"I want all my fans to know that I will be back soon and I'll miss every single one of you." He said as he flashed his warm smile to the camera before looking at me.

"I want to tell you a secret. It has been quite a while since I've kept it and I will reveal it to the public. I do not want to keep anything hidden from my fans." He paused as the interviewer giggled uncontrollably, probably excited to hear about what SeungHyun was about to say.

I was also curious about it.

What was SeungHyun about to reveal?

"I have been thinking about telling it to people since we became an item but I was scared of the hates that I would be getting but I came to an agreement to my agency to just reveal everything before I go to the millitary."

"I am dating a women. It has been 5 months since we've dated and I feel like my fans should know that since all of you have been supporting me since day one, I don't want to keep anything hidden from you. I know that sooner or later, it will be revealed to the public but I think that I should be the one to personally inform this to the public."

"And can you tell us who is the lucky woman?" The interviewer asked although I could sense her hesitation about asking this question.

SeungHyun just simple smiled before he said.

"She's here, right beside me."

I did not know what to do other than smiling at the camera.

It was unexpected.

The interviewer gasped loudly before covering her mouth with her hand and apologising for her obvious actions.

"Is this real?" She whispered before turning to us.

"We're dating." I confirmed.

The air was chilly and the sky was dark with no hint of any sun. It mirrored my mood.

SeungHyun hugged me before he went inside station. It was hard but he promised that he would contact me if he had the chance to.

2 years.

I promised to wait for him but he just simply shook his head and gave me a smile.

"I'm not sure if you're able to keep this promise." He joked before accepting the flowers from the big bang members.

"I'm just worried if you're able to handle the hates from some people about us." He said.

"I'm not going to mind the hates." I replied.

"Do not wait for me. Just live your life live like usual until I come back." He muttered suddenly. His eyes were glassy as if the tears were threatening to flow but he just blinked them away before he slowly started to talk again.

"I know that I've just announced about our relationship to the public because I feel that my fans deserve to know it but waiting sucks and it will hurt. I'll accept anything after I come back. I don't want to go thinking that you're suffering because of waiting for me. Just go live your life and let it be. Let's just wait and see what happens until I come back." He lastly said before he kissing my forehead.


I received a lot of supports from the fans but some sent hates saying that SeungHyun was too good for me.

The news were flying around and even my brother called me to ask if it was true.

I thought it was a good thing to reveal it to the public to finally confirm the rumours but who would have thought, misery would slowly come and greet me by my front door.


We Meet Again (Top/ Choi Seung Hyun Fantiction)  completedWhere stories live. Discover now