30. Compromise

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Rachel's POV

I could hear the beeping sound of the monitors and a slow breathing near me.

I looked up and winced at the glaring light above. Everything seemed so... unusual and uneasy. The ceiling was a dramatic colour of white, the walls were also white and I realised everything was painted pale white.

The smell gave it away, I was in a hospital. My outfit was a normal hospital uniform that had small patterns all over the shirt.

I turned to look beside me and found the sleeping figure of SeungHyun. He laid his head on the bed and sat on a chair but his face was wounded and bruised. His hair was dishelved and he got a broken nose and stitches just on thr right side of his lips.

I touched his hair and smiled at him, thankful for the fact that he was here.

His eyes fluttered open slowly and he stared at me with disbelief before hugging me tightly and I realised that he was sobbing so hard as he hugged me.

I patted his back and before he let go of me, he muttered those words that always seemed to make me happy whenever I hear it.

"I fucking miss you!"

I gave him a warm smile before he took my hand in his.

"I- I never thought that you'd be awake because the doctor told me that there is only a little chance for you to wake up." He said as tears slid down his cheek.

"How long have I been out?" I asked, my throat was hurting but I ignored the pain and continued to talk.

"It felt like forever." I muttered.

He gave me a worried glance when he heard my voice and stood up before grabbing a cup of water and handed it to me.

"You were unconcious for 2 weeks straight. The doctor told me you were in a coma."

"How about my-" I paused and thought about how my brother had betrayed me.

"Family." I muttered.

"Your dad was under investigation for the incident and your mom just came home yesterday."

"How about my brother." Saying this made me feel bitter and annoyed at myself for still caring about my brother after what he had done.

"He went home with your mom yesterday. They are planning to visit again today." He replied as he glanced at me, slowly reading my expression.

"I'm fine." I assured him as he looked at my legs.

"You had a concusion, a fractured neck and 2 broken legs. How is that fine." He rolled his eyes at me.

"At least I'm concious now."

"Yeah, at least you're awake now." He mumbled before giving me a grateful grin.

Someone knocked on the door and the door swung open by the person I loathe the most.

My dad.

I fixed my gaze on the floor and ignored his presence as he strode into the room and went to sit on the chair beside me.

He looked at SeungHyun and SeungHyun decided to walk away giving us privacy but I did not want him to go so I my grip tightened on his hand.

I gave him a helpless look but he shook his head slowly and removed my hand before walking out of the room leaving my dad and I with a thick air of tension.

I heaved a soft sigh before turning to look at my dad. He looked old and stressed out. And sorry.

"I'm so sorry, Rachel." He sighed, looking at me.

We Meet Again (Top/ Choi Seung Hyun Fantiction)  completedWhere stories live. Discover now