23. Not a Chaebol

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*Chaebol means well-known rich families since early generations.

Rachel's POV

I was trying to keep everything in. With SeungHyun going to military and not being able to communicate with him.


"I want you to break up with him. You're not going to be dating an idol." My dad announced sternly while looking at me straight in the eye.

My brother dropped his fork and turned towards me and I hated it when he looked at me that way. He pitied me.

I stopped eating and replied calmly.

"I'm also an idol, it's the same."

The room went silent.

I was always that daughter who obeys everything I was being told but not this time.

SeungHyun meant so much to me and I was never going to let go of him just because my dad told me to.

"You're from the Kim family and it's a disgrace for you to marry an idol. I allowed you to be an idol because you enjoyed being one but not this time. I think this should be the end of your career."

"What? No! I can't just back out halfway, it's my career and I believe you have no right to manage my career or my dating life." I replied sternly.

"How dare you talk this way to me! If you believe that way then, watch me." My dad snapped before dialling YG.

"Mr Yang, I need to talk to you about my daughter's career. I'll text you the place and time we'll meet." He said through the phone.


"Rachel, I do think dad is being too serious about it." My brother said as he entered my room.

I looked at him.

"About your dating life, I mean." He said.

"That TOP guy is not too bad but I think dad prefers TaeHyung, the one that was rumoured to be dating you." He said.

I gave him a look.

"TaeHyung's also an idol." I muttered.

"Yeah but he's from a chaebol family." My brother replied.


"Dad has been meeting with TaeHyung's dad. They're talking about setting both of you up for the companies. The price of the shares will rise by at least 4.3 percent and it'll benefit each firms." He explained.

"I'm not a tool for the company." I sighed.

My brother shook his head and gave me a sad smile.

"It's the burden you have to hold for being born with a silver spoon in your mouth." He replied.

I agreed with his statement but I shook my head.

I was not going to back down and marry someone I don't like. This was unfair but later I realised, life is unfair and everyone had to get on with it. Everyone had their own problems to overcome and it is up to them to let the problem break them or break the problem themselves.

So I decided to choose the latter, I was not going to let my dad force me to marry someone I did not have feelings for.

I walked out of my room and went straight to the study, where my dad usually spend most of his time there.

I knocked several times before I went straight into the room.

My dad looked at me expectantly before shaking his head at me.

"I'm not backing down on this, this is for your own good." He explained.

"And what good will it do to me?"

"First, if you're marrying an idol, your relatives will not treat you like they usually do. Second, imagine how dissapointed your grandparents are going to be when they heard about it and lastly, how will you face the cruel society when you're marrying an idol, I mean an idol? You can't be serious." He scoffed at me.

"I never cared about the way my relatives treat me." I said.

"That's because you are being treated well. You know, they're snakes. The people in our big family, all they care is status and once you marry that idol, they'll just scoff at you wherever you'll go and I can't face them knowing my daughter is off marrying some idol." He replied.

My relatives were snakes but I couldn't care less about their thoughts. Their opinion never matter to me anyways.

"So what kind of guy do you want me to marry? TaeHyun?"

"Yes. He's from a well-known family, they're not new money, they have been successful since their great great grandparents time and they just fit well with us." He replied, his mood seemed to be better when I mentioned TaeHyun.

"But I'm never going to marry TaeHyun, he's not the one I love. I love SeungHyun despite the fact that he is not a chaebol, I still love him." I replied.

My dad slammed his fist on the table and stood up while glaring at me.

"You're a disgrace! You don't know how stupid you are by choosing this kind of path! You'll regret it, I'm sure of it!" He shouted at me.

"Imagine how your grandparents will react." He shook his head at me.

"They're in heaven, it won't matter to them in anyways."

"But it would greatly impact our family name and you know that!" He yelled causing me to wince at his tone.

"Admit it dad, it's only for your company and the share price not for me. I know me marrying TaeHyun means mergers and a rise in share price and a lot of stock brokers and I'm sorry for not being that kind of daughter who would impact the shares but I want to marry a person who I love and I would never regret the path that I choose to take so please just let this one go, I'm not your tool for the company." I sighed before walking out of the study with tears threatening to spill out.


Major plot twist.


The next chaper will be on monday, pinky promise.

Please don't forget to comment/vote. They mean so much to me.

See you.

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