24. Wedding Day

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Rachel's POV

2 years later,

The room was elegantly decorated with fresh cut white roses and the  crystal chandelier was hanging extravagantly on the ceiling.

Anyone would be delighted to enter the place except for me.

The place made me feel more nauseous and dizzy as I was chocking on my tears.

I shut my eyes and counted on my breathings to calm my nerves and stop myself from crying.

Guests would soon arrive and I did not want to cause any problems for my dad.

I promised him.

I would be married to TaeHyun and move on from SeungHyun for an exchange for SeungHyun's life.

My dad did not care about my feelings, all he cared was making more money and the fact that he threatened me made me feel more upset.

He was a powerful man. He could do anything to destroy SeungHyun's life and all he did was mentioned SeungHyun to shut me up to give in and be married to TaeHyun.

I did not talk for months. 3 months to be exact. After having to obey my dad, I did not speak for the rest of the time until my brother decided to comfront me, he had helped me so much and I would always be grateful for his presence and the fact that I had a brother like him.

My mom and brother went in the room, both of them gave me a smile. A sad smile.

They could not do anything to change my father's mind, they did not have the courage to argue with my father's last statement.

The dress was a little bit too loose for me to wear as I had lost several pounds.

My face was tinier, my cheekbones was more visible and my eyes were dark and dull. My skin was pale but with the help of a change of hairstyle and a thick make up, I looked fine.

My hair was cut short as it reached below my ear and it complimented my now tiny face.

I sighed as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I looked depressed and weak but no one would notice, as I was warned, one false move and SeungHyun would be in danger.

How could someone be so cruel? And as I was staring at my reflection, someone went in.

My father.

He gave me a smile.

I ignored him and continue to stare at the mirror.

"You look beautiful." He said, his voice gruff, no traces of guilt evident in his voice.

I continued ignoring him, silently crying.

"I know you hate me now. But you'll thank me one day." He said confidently and walked away, shutting the door gently as he went.

I heard people coming in and the room was full of giggles and polite and soft laughters.

Soft music was playing at the background.

"And let us present the bride."

And the crowd roared with applauses as a lady pushed me out of the room.

I walked out of the room and into the centre of the crowd with fake confidence and a smile.

I looked at TaeHyun, my face void of emotion as he stared at me with a sad yet soft expression. I sighed and walked to him.

The man stood in front of us and started to speak incoherently because I was too focused on the guy with the now short and dark hair staring at me with pure sadness in his eyes.

Despite his sad expression, he wore an elegant suit and his face had gotten more chubbier. His lips were pale and chapped and his eyes were sad and glassy.

"Rachel?" TaeHyun softly speak, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

I snapped out of my gaze and unwillingly look away from that guy, Choi SeungHyun.

TaeHyun was done slipping the silver ring on my ring finger and I had to do the same but my mind was currenly thinking about a hundred ways to stop the ceremony.

I looked around the room. I saw my mom and my brother both looking at me with pitiful stare, my dad, who gave me a small smile which made my face burn with anger, how could he smile when his daughter was going through this.

TaeHyun's parents were smiling at us,  if only they know that this was a forced marriage.

And lastly, I looked at the most handsome guy in this room. He looked bitter and sad but there was no anger in his expression which made me wonder. How could he not get angry about me suddenly getting married with another man?

He returned my gaze with a small smile. Forced. It made my insides clenched with regrets.

And in order to stop myself from regretting for the rest of my life,
I dropped the ring that I was about to put on TaeHyun and did what my heart told me to,

I ran.


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