18. Sneaky Shot

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Rachel's POV

I would never thought that I would be examining paintings in a museum while I was in Paris.

The old me would rather explore the city and shop but thanks to SeungHyun's influence, I was now standing in a museum looking through beautiful paintings while SeungHyun was taking pictures of them even though taking pictures were prohibited at the museum that we were visiting.

"The security over there is eyeing you since you took out your phone." I whispered, soft enough to be out of the huge security's earshot.

"Chill, I've done this a lot of times and I never got caught. I'm experienced." He replied arrogantly as he continued to take pictures of the paintings at some unique objects.

I pretended to examine the beautiful building while sneaking glances at the securites.

I ignored my thoughts and continued to look at other paintings until I came across the one which I felt really connected to.

It was a painting of a window, half open and the painting had a moody and sleepy feeling to it. I stopped and studied it carefully while thinking about how it made me feel something when I looked at it.

"SeungHyun, look."

He turned to look at the painting while taking some sneaky shots at it.

"What about it?" He asked.

"I can relate to it. It just becomes my favourite instantly." I said.

SeungHyun nodded while examining the dark painting that caught my attention. It was a simple one yet it was very alluring to me.

"Paintings depend on how you view it and the others have no right to judge about your view to it." SeungHyun said while continuing taking pictures of other paintings.

While I was walking around the museum to hunt for the paintings that would caught my attention, one security marched to my direction and I realised that he had caught SeungHyun snapping pictures of some paintings.

In a flash, we were kicked out of the museum.

I was embarrassed as some people kept looking at our way and shook their heads dissaprovingly.

"See, what happened to experienced?" I asked SeungHyun who had the guts to smile at me.

"I feel like a rebel." That was all he said which caused me to sighed at his really strange remarks.

We went to a small cafe and ordered croissants and coffee. The cafe was packed with a lot of people and most of them were either chatting with their companion or looking around the beautiful location.

I took a picture of our meals before posting it on instagram. Everything looked chic, even the picture I took turned out to be cute and unique.

"The coffee is amazing!" I said after sipping the black dark coffee.

"I'm more of a tea person." SeungHyun retorted.

"Too bad, if you're not going to drink yours I will gladly drink it." I said.

"Here." He handed me his coffee and   grinned at me.

I spit out his coffee before glaring at him. It was extremely salty, even remembering the flavour gave me chills.

"Fuck you, SeungHyun."

He bent over laughing at me while shaking his head.

"Are you done laughing? Let's go, it's already 4 and you're going to be late for your concert." I said while standing up.

Big Bang's concert would start at 6 and we had to be in the concert at 5 sharp. I was excited to go to my first concert and I was glad that it turned out to be Big Bang.

SeungHyun stood up from his chair before putting his arm over my shoulder. As we walked down the street, some fans started to snap pictures of SeungHyun while they fangirled happily.

Before we knew it, we were already    in the venue of the concert. The staffs brought us to the backstage and SeungHyun sat on the chair facing a huge mirror for his hair and make-up.

I sat on the couch while watching him get his hair and make-up done. The other members were in their own room.

SeungHyun changed into his stage outfit and walked to my direction before he stopped right on his track while he posed for some pictures.

"How do I look?" He asked.

"Not bad." I laughed.

I lied, he looked amazing, as usual.

He sat beside me before he took out his phone. His lockscreen was our picture when he first took at the Eiffel Tower, I looked dumb.

"I think I'm too handsome for you." He pointed out while looking at the lockscreen.

"As if." I scoffed before looking through his gallery.

I froze when I saw the picture that we had kissed and my face heated up suddenly.

"God, look at how surprised you are!" He laughed while zooming my face.

"Stop it!" I grunted as I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"You're so cute." He cooed before giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I just glared at him before I took out my phone and took pictures of him. He was unaware of me taking pictures of him and continued to relief his throat by doing some vocal excersises.

I giggled loudly as one of the staff told SeungHyun to come out since the concert was about to start.

"No goodluck kisses?" He asked as he turned his face to the side slyly.

I kissed his cheek before telling him goodluck and when I thought he was going out from the backstage, he turned to me before giving me a kiss on my lips, leaving me feeling shocked and shy as the same time.

We Meet Again (Top/ Choi Seung Hyun Fantiction)  completedWhere stories live. Discover now