27. Forever Gone

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Rachel's POV

SeungHyun and I were walking to the lost and found area, still hand in hand. After reaching that area, we spotted my brother, still wearing the suit that he had worn during the ceremony and he threw me an upset look.

"Let's have dinner together here, I called my secertary to reserve a place in the restaurant downstairs. I did not get to eat lunch, thanks to you." He shot me a glare before walking away.

"So how did dad react?" I asked him as SeungHyun and I trailed behind him.

"In rage, of course!" He exclaimed before stopping and turning around and facing me.

"Everything turned into a huge chaos and the press media went crazy with the news. Our family was angry at you, TaeHyun's family especially." He finished before walking in front.

"Thank god I don't have my phone with me." I muttered.

We arrived at one elegant restaurant and I ordered my usual steak and champange to celebrate my bravery.

Despite the attention others were throwing at us because I was still in my laced wedding dress. I chatted away happily with those 2 people I loved the most.

"So are you two getting married then?" My brother asked suddenly.

I looked at SeungHyun and he looked at me in a way that still made my face flush from his loving stare. I smiled at him and he returned it with a charming smile before turning to face my brother.

"Soon, hopefully." He replied as he held my hand.

"Ew, stop it you two." My brother gave us a look before eating his salad.

And earlier he was angrily muttering about being hungry and not eating lunch.

A salad would not satisfy his grumbling stomach.

As if sensing what I was thinking he gave me a sheepish smile.

"I'm actually on a diet." Which earned an annoyed look from me and a chuckle from SeungHyun who was also eating a bowl of salad.

The rest of the moments continued with us smiling and trying to forget about the incident that had happened earlier.


I was just about to toast for my success in escaping the wedding before a group of bodyguards wearing suits and an old guy came towards us.

The bodyguards looked disturbingly familiar and the old man was wearing a sunglasses but it was not enough to hide who he was behind those tinted shades.

He was my dad.

They walked towards us and the look that my father gave me was the same as the look he gave me when I told him about wanting to marry SeungHyun.

He was extremely upset with me.

I looked between them and my brother who now looked really guilty.

"How?" I muttered.

My dad gave me a satisfied look but his face was as evil as ever.

"Shocking isn't it. Even your most trusted brother is not even on your side." My dad said, his eyes glowed with cruelty.

"How could you!" I turned to my brother who shifted his gaze from the ground and to me.

"I'm sorry. It's for the best." He mumbled.

"Your cruel and reckless act will pay for it. You'll stay in your room locked and you're not allowed to be on your phone. And no visitors." His gaze shifted from me and to SeungHyun.

"I could finally meet you." He said to SeungHyun but his gaze was mean and upset.

"The guy who could cause my daughter to act so recklessly to ruin a huge celebration." He said.

SeungHyun did not reply instead, his frown and his eyes told me the answer that he was not backing down.

He would never, I hoped.

My dad turned to me before glaring daggers at SeungHyun who replied him with a look of pure distaste.

"So Rachel, you'll have to follow us or violence will take place." My dad said.

I did not move and ignored his remarks as I stare blankly across. I took off my heels under the table to prepare for what I was about to do.

A frown was etched on my brother's face.

"Take her!" My dad snapped at the bodyguards but I was fast enough.

I took one of my heel and threw them to one of the bodyguards and another aimed towards my brother for betraying me.

"Car key!" I shouted as SeungHyun threw me his car key.

I flashed my brother a satisfied smirk as the heel landed on his forehead.

I rushed out of the restaurant before hearing a series of curses from the bodyguard.

I was quicker than the huge bodyguard as his weight was actually slowing him down.

I ran out of the hotel and unlocked the car before entering and starting up the engine of the car.

SeungHyun went inside the passenger seat before putting on the seatbelt.

I stepped on the pedal and the car sped away in a full speed. I drove like crazy and a lot of honking was heard during the journey.

I wished for everything to stop and be gone as I drove to get away from a line of black cars trying to get past me.

As I was driving, SeungHyun shouted at me to turn around and to stop but it was too late as one black maserati crushed into our car and for once, my wish came true, for everything to stop and be gone but in a way that would cause me to be gone forever.

Everything stopped.

No shoutings, no driving, no honkings. Just the soft sound of flames burning everything down to ashes as my world became all black in a matter of a second.

Sometimes, even the ones you trust most could have the power to betray you.

And I got super emotional when I wrote this.

I'll see you soon,


We Meet Again (Top/ Choi Seung Hyun Fantiction)  completedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora