26. Lost And Found

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Rachel's POV

I went out of SeungHyun's car and we went to the five star hotel hand in hand. I was still wearing my wedding dress and I really hoped I would not get attentions from the people.

Going to SeungHyun's house would be an obvious place for my dad to find me and we decided that the only place that would actually took a while of figuring out is a popular five star hotel because a normal person would never ever thought of a crowded place for a bride to hide so we chose the ironic place, a popular five star hotel.

The place was really beautiful and we went to the counter right away. The receptionist gave us a smile after congratulating us for our marriage which we replied with a vague smile.

After checking in, we held the cards and went into the elevator, still hand in hand.

SeungHyun seemed nervous and uncomfortable as he clicked the button to the 50th floor.

I casted a worried look at him, debating to whether leave him be or asked him about it. I decided to ask him about his worries.

"What if they found you?" He asked, answering my thoughts.

"It's bound to happen anyways and besides, it's going to take some time so I have some time to think about what to do and one of them being getting out of this country and run away from my family." I said.

He looked at me, horrified.

"I genuinely hope you're joking." He gave me a horrified look as his hands tighten his grip.

"If that's the only way to not be married with TaeHyun then, I have to do it even if it means cutting ties with my dad." I replied.

"So where would you be staying?" He asked.

"New york. Back to my modelling career."

"Whaf if he forced you-"

"He won't." I cut him off confidently.

"My former modelling agency hired several body guards for me and if they had to fight dad's guys, they would win, you'll agree once you see their bodies, they're like hulk." I finished.

"Wow, sounds like a great idea." He said bitterly.

I turned to face him.

"What's wrong with that?"

The elevator dinged and we went out.

"You'll move to New York to start over?" He asked, his tone skepticall as if he was not prepared to hear my answers.

"Well, in a way, yeah."

He was silent.

I looked at him, trying to figure out what he was worrying as his creased forehead and furrowed eyebrow gave it all away that he was really in a deep thought.

"What are you thinking?"

"Nothing." He replied almost immediately.


He scanned the card at the scanner and the door opened. The room was huge, what can I expect, it was president suit.

We went in the room and I turned to SeungHyun immediately.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Starting a new life means forgetting everyone and moving on with your new life and leaving everything behind am I right?" He asked me, his face flushed.

"Well, yes." I replied.

"You don't love me do you?" He asked me.

"What are you saying, of course I do! That was why I left the wedding ceremony and went with you."

"So what would happen to us once you moved to New York?"

"There will still be us, of course." I replied quickly.


"We'll find a way and besides, this isn't final yet. It's just my plan." I said.

He stayed silent and stared out of the window.

And without any warning, he pulled me close to him and hugged me so tight, it felt like all the broken pieces of me mended back into a whole.

A familiar ringtone woke me up as I looked over to the glowing object in SeungHyun's pocket. Somehow, we ended up sleeping together on the couch even if I felt uncomfortable sleeping in my wedding gown.

SeungHyun turned to look at me and flashed his lazy smile before taking up the call.

"Hello?" He said through the phone, his voice huskier than ever.

His eyes widened before he turned to look at the screeen of his phone. He gave me a look before putting it back up on his ear.

He sighed heavily as though a lot of things were weighing him down.

"Your brother." He muttered to me as he handed me his phone.

I hesitated but I grabbed his phone before being greeted by the worried voice of my brother.

"Please let me talk to her." He said sternly but his voice was full of worry.

"I'm her." I replied instantly and heard a loud sigh on the other end of the phonecall.

"You scared the hell out of everyone Rachel! How coul-" He stopped midsentence and heaved another long sigh before continuing.

"Okay, I'm not going to shout at you for how stupid you are but at least now I know that you're save and fine." He said.

"Yes, I am fine, for now actually." I replied him.

"So tell me where you are."

"Not going to tell you." I replied snarkily.

"You know that dad will find out sooner or later." I could feel him rolling his eyes into another dimension.

"At least he'll take some time figuring out where I am. I need to buy time to think about my future." I bit back.

"At least tell me where you are." He said helplessly, his tone gentle.

I was debating whether to tell him or keep it away from him. I would better tell him because knowing him, he would track this phonecall and figure out where I was.

"In Leighton Hotel." I replied.

He kept quiet.

"Good choice of place right?" I giggled.

"Get to the lobby, I'm at the lost and found area right now." He spoke before ending the phonecall.

Guess it was not a good choice of place.


So sorry for the late update! I hope you enjoyed this one. Next update will be tomorrow.

See ya!

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