309th-313th questions

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The doctors! They said they couldn't operate on me because they couldn't figure out my blood type or why they couldn't even extract blood because the syringe couldn't even get past my skin! I'm 21 years old, things randomly explode around me! And my eyes turned purple with pentagrams in them! And my hair color changes with my emotions! I think I might be a witch? Or maybe under a curse? I have no clue! Thanks for the assistance my lord. ~Cleo



I have never heard of such a creature so I dont think you're not human. In all th books I have read and studied in I have never come across a creature that exhibits such qualities but there are curses that can cause these things to happen. 

I'm assuming this hasnt been happening all your life or you wouldnt have assumed you're a monster now at 21 years of age. 

Now tell me...

How long ago did this start and do you know anyone powerful that would want to cast a curse upon you? 

*hidden* I forgot which avengers I haven't antagonized yet, so I'm going to go do the Hulk again. And PLEASE ignore the next comment. *unhidden*
Whatever. So, Thor, read any Thorki fanfics lately? ~James

~ firesword4



have fun with that


(Thor- No of course not! WHy would the son of Odin waste his time wiht such rubbish!?)

What is it like, filming Thor the Dark World? I personally cannot wait for the movie... Was Tom a nice person?
I am actually quite surprised you would choose to be a cat! I feel quite happy being myself right now...
This might seem strange, but I am beggining to get the feeling that you are beggining to become a nice person to us; but that is just me thinking. 
Hey Thor, I'm inside his cage.



It was strange. I still do not see the point of movies. They are a waste of time. Filming it was tiresome since I had to memorize a bunch of pathetic lines. I was mostly used as Tom's stunt double since they dont care if I get hurt too bad. Thomas was a very nice mortal. I did not think he would be but he surprised me with his kindness dispite what i did in New York. If all mortals were like him there could still be hope for Midgard. He told me about his work with UNISEF over in the Kingdom of England. I supprt it completely mortals so go and help out Midgard with Thomas! That's an order to all my army! 

And about me being nicer to you mortals, I guess thats true. Mst of you are becoming friendlier so I have no reason to detest you completely. Odin on the other hand..... I will never stop detesting him.

I am "Nice" only to those who show some respect to their leader. TO the rest, I will continue to threaten them. You have beenn warned mortals.

(Thor- I care not that you're in his cage, you're a cat, what harm will that do?" 

Oh an I finally got a few of my cats to talk:)

Good i'm glad the kittens are growing up, and aw you will be able to sleep soon! I know what it's like not being able to sleep! Any way and I have to agree with ArtzyCat it does look like you have soften a bit heh, my question is how long before Odin lets you out? and how many times has Thor tried to hug you so far? thanks ^-^



Thor tries to hug me everyday. I gave up fighting it. I just dont hug him back. In fact Thor's huggning me right now, I'm just ignoring him. 

And it depends. Odin reduced my senctence for helping with the Thor movie. Other than that I do not know. 


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