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Hey loki do you have a tumblr and do you like hour chocolate? *gives pudding and hot chocolate* *plays with hair more* lol your fault you made a big deal over it.



WHats a tumblr? Actually I dont think I want to know....

(A/N Yep:) follow me im @hiddlestonedavengewholockedtrekkie anf my blog id I love my British men) 

And get your grimy hands of off my head before I cut them off myself!

Oh and also HOW COME WHEN ANOTHER FANGIRL TOUCHES YOUR HAIR THEY DON'T GET THEIR HAND BROKEN?!?!?!?! THAT'S FAVORITISM RIGHT THERE AND IT'S JUST CRUEL. I thought that you wouldn't support favoritism considering your experiences with it!!




If i ever let anyone touch my hair its because I was too tired to do anything about it that day. It doesnt mean i have favorites. Calm down mortal!

Aw only Valentines day and Christmas? That's just sad. You should totally introduce April Fools, that's the perfect holiday for you! And maybe Halloween? 

Oh it's your birthday!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOKI!!!!!!! Here I'll send you cake and presents. ^_^ hope you like them! *send*

:( it makes me sad that you're miserable. Thor could he just go outside for just a bit? Please?? You could station guards to watch him from a safe distance if you're worried about him escaping. Loki wouldn't escape would you Loki? *hidden* say no so you can go outside *unhidden*

:( but I like the name Lokipop! It's sweet and may sometimes be mischievous but you love it too much to punish it!! CAUSE ITS THAT FREAKING ADORABLE.

Your kids sound cool!! Isn't Hel the Princess of the Underworld? And are you mad at Odin for riding Sliepnier around?




(Thor- I cant. Letting Loki out of his cell was already a hard decision considering his crimes against Midgard. We cant trust him yet. Sorry Loki)

Oh dont apologize if you dont vloody mean it. 

Dont call me lokipop.

And Hel is queen of the underworld. Ive told Odin many times to get is arse of off my son and stop riding him around Asgard like he own Sleipnir but he doesnt care. 

Hey Loki i'm kinda new to this question and answer things so ill just ask one question this time.....

If you could spend your time with one of these people for all eternity until Ragnarok, who would it be?

A) Black Widow/Natasha Romanov

B) Hawkeye/Clint Barton

C) Odin


E) Hulk/

F) Iron man/Tony Stark


Can i join your army because i'm very loyal and have a HUGE secret!


Could you also say hi to Thor for me! Thanks for listening!

Live Long And Prosper!




Thor I guess but only because Im used to his company. 


yes you can, you know the drill


(Thor- hello mortal) 

what do you think about catwoman? she is a villan/superhero. also when u get out of you cage would you please take Thor's poptarts and hide them. thank you for your time, prince Loki



I have no idea who this catwoman is.... how is one a villain and a Hero at the same time? 

And I can go do that now actually, I have access to Thor's room. 

(Thor- youll do no such thing!)

Thats funny bcause I already have. 

(Thor- what!?) *searches for poptarts


right you are! You deserve a cookie




Yes I do. Chocolate chip please

Since you say cats are adorable creatures, did you have a pet cat in your life?



I have a ton of cats at the moment. I lost count. 

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