343rd-350th questions

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I understand you forgetting the questions and all but I would really like to...oh I dunno ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO WALK!!! I would really appreciate some help with my leg and maybe some food, I've been here for a few days without any...On a happier note, I got a turtle shell glued to my butt by Cleo. So now I am Whiskers the TurtleCat!
~Whiskers the TurtleCat



patience young grasshopper, magic doesnt cure things instantly. Trust me when I say I have done what I can already. You shoul be fine in a few days just rest. 

And how is that a happier note? I would be quite dissaponted if I got a turtle shell glued to my butt...

Loki, if you could rule any realm, what would it be? Also what did it feel like to see Thor's reaction the end of TDW when he offered up his Hammer to you/Odin? Last thing it kinda if surprised me when you said and I quote, "One son who didn't want the throne and the other who wanted it to much" (May or May not be loosely translated!!



Midgard of course and it was an intresting scene. Ofcourse Thor would never actually give up his hammer as he is practically useless without it.

(Thor- not true!)

I did not and would no say that. Besides its not vry accurate. Thor wants the throne too much. I never wanted the throne until if elt that I needed to proove myself to Odin. 

Oh interesting... I might photoshop a picture of you & your cats in your cage. Would you like it if I did that? And if hypothetically you had the knowledge of how to kill the Hulk, but if you did it would also kill Thor, would you? And if I walked up to you, gave you a hug, patted your head & walked away what would you do? ^_^



I dont know what this photoshop thing is but I probably wouldnt. 

And that answer is quite obvious really, I've been wanting to get my revenge on that petty green monster for ages! You think I wouldnt do because of Thor?! agh senitment. 

(Thor- actually yes, I dont think youd do it because of me)

You underestimate my dark side brother. 

(Thor- no,... im pretty sure you wouldnt)

*rolls eyes 


if you walked up to me, gave me a hug, patted me ont he head and walked away I would break the hand you messed up my hair with.

(THor- a little harsh dont you think?) 


hey I'm free it worked! I have a transport machine like the Doctor...... do you want to use it? I'd be glad to allow you to use it.



you have a TARDIS? I thought there was only one left... 

Lol thank you. you know what? I should stomp all the way over there and tel thir to hand you over... Lol that actually would probably be more scary. So loki if you could would you ever decide to take my dear friend Natasha away and tell her the truth? Our do I have to drag her over there and tell her in front of you and show her the post saying it and do a bunch if hacking to further prove it? (you know you love me) I'm not sure whether you should say I'm evil our mischievous. You chasm answer that one. Don't skip this please.



What truth I dont recall lying to Natasha. I have nothing to say to  her.

and your evil, not mischievous. Two very different things mortal. 

oh and also loki: who would you rather live with...me or tony? (btw this is just in case you actually decide to use the T.A.R.D.I.S.)



well, intrestung question. I would probably live with Tony, murder him in his lseep and then keep all his posessions. Sounds like a good plan.


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