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Hello mortals, and those who hate being called mortals. Yes it has been a while since I've answered your questions. here we go:

They should've chained you to the hottest rock in the universe and whipped you; I would've gladly watched, and I would laugh, too.



Aren't you sweet. Note the sarcasm darling.

Since Thor ruined you chance of becoming king of the frost giants. Use the frost giants the that used to bully you or whatever. And build your empire the way you want it to look or to be. I'm sure Thor would help... Well maybe. Depends on how he feels or if he is even good with a hammer. Besides causing destruction. Maybe you can even make that realm more beautiful than all the other nine realms. Earth or Midgard is not much to look at as you can probably tell when you came here. You could study about the ecosystems of the nine realms figure out how they grow and such. Sorry about my perfectionist and intelligent side of me. It's very thorough.
So I bid you farewell.



Jötunheim is beyond repair. I'm the friendliest Frost Giant out there, imagine how the others are. I have no intentions of ruling that wasteland.

Greetings Loki. My question for you is this, if you were given the chance to start over, what would you change to make your path turn out differently? Would you still want to be king, or have you found something that you desire more?



I would change that I ever went to Jötunheim with Thor. if that frost gains had not touched me I would not know what I really am and then many regrettable things wouldn't have happened...

I would be honored to take down anyone who courted my mother without your permission/approval. MUAHAHAHAHA! By the way, I'm more ruthless than you and mother combined. *evil ruthless smile*
~Arianna Heladöttir



I will keep that in mind

Go evil? Well I wouldn't say I'm evil if I got revenge, the leaders are cruel fat and useless. They have had it coming to them for the last 3000 years. Hehe they have ruled over a mere SLAVE of a kingdom. heehee and now, now I will show this truth to the UNIVERSE the PEOPLE they rule over will kill there kings and queens THEMSELFS!!! Hahaha!!!
There is chaos everywhere and no-one sees the beauty of it...... Do you see it Lord Loki?



There is always beauty in chaos. It's beautiful destruction, the disorder, the disorder is just amusing to watch and I'm going to stop right there before I continue to sound like a lunatic.

Uh Loki... Please can you help me I was traveling with my brother in law the Doctor and my step parents Amy and Rory Pond or Williams depending on who you ask well the Doctor said that we were goi g to the scariest place in the universe a child's bedroom I didn't believe him until this happened...
Please can you help me they all turned into one, my name is Kathryn Lisa Irvine Pond I am 12 years old turning 13 in 2 days and I am scared :'( please hel me I'm begging you Loki... Please

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