Chapter seven

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I had watched Sherlock being placed in Ravenclaw. I didn't really expect to be in Ravenclaw. I waited for ages, catching a few names in the process. Only until the end was I called.

"Watson, John" McGonnagall called. I walked up to the stool, wondering if I'd be told I didn't fit into any house, and so must go home, or whether I'd be stuck in a house with annoying people. Most of all, just hoping I'd be in Ravenclaw, but that was unlikely.

Suddenly I was on the stool and the hat was talking to me.

"You'd do well in Hufflepuff" it informed. I didn't want to be in Hufflepuff. If Anderson was as bad as Sherlock had made out on the journey here, I wasn't going to share a house with him.

"Okay. Not Hufflepuff then" the hat replied. I'd forgotten the hat was telepathic.

"Hmm... Well, I could see you in any house, but really, I think you'd be best of in GRYFFINDOR" it yelled. I smiled and made my way to the Gryffindor table. I sat down at the end, suddenly not wanting to talk to anyone, but solitude apparently wasn't an option for long.

"So, I guess we're sharing a dorm" someone wrapped their arm around their shoulder. I looked up to see the guy who'd caused a disruption in the waiting room.

"James Potter" he held out his hand. I took it and shook.

"John Watson" I muttered. His friends also greeted themselves. Remus Lupin, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew. They began talking to me, and I didn't feel like telling them I'd rather be alone, and anyway, it was good to get to know our room-mates. I noticed that McGonnagall was rolling up her scroll, and watched as she took the hat away. The headmaster stood up to make a speech, smiling widely at the students. I was informed by Remus that he was called Professor Dumbledore.

"Welcome, all of you, to Hogwarts. I would like to make a speech, but I feel as though you are all hungry, and would hate to keep you waiting for your dinner" he shouted before sitting back down at his own table. I barely noticed the table fill with food, but suddenly there was food. I had only just realised how hungry I was, so I picked up some potatoes and gravy, and added them to my plate. I ate happily, talking to Remus as James and Sirius talked to each other loudly.

"So, where are you from?" He asked, trying to be heard above a James and Sirius.

"If you mean magically, I'm muggle born" I informed, also shouting above the racket "if you mean geographically, I'm from London. What about you?"

"My dad's a wizard" he informed politely "but my mum's a muggle... And I'm from London too"

"Sounds good" I smiled "what are they" I gestured up at James and Sirius "even talking about"

Remus laughed "probably something about Lily Evans" Remus muttered "James is infatuated with her"

"I see" I muttered.

"Are you friends with Sherlock?" He suddenly asked.

"I guess? I only met him for the first time today though... So I'm not sure how much we could be considered friends" I confessed "he doesn't really seem the type to have friends"

"No he doesn't..." Remus trailed off.

"What about it?" I asked.

"There's just this girl, she's been saying he's dangerous" he mumbled.

"Oh. Sally Donovan" I replied "yeah. I've met her. Sherlock knows her, and they hate each other. She's just trying to get people to not trust him. It's fine"

"I see" he replied.


Hola there, people... Or other life forms who have mastered the concept of understanding human text and so are reading this fanfiction. I'm not being specific here.

So, I thought I should update this story (possibly because its easiest to update as its pre-written), and so enjoy your extra chapter of the story.

Anyway... Um... Yeah. Have a good day/night/evening/morning/afternoon/whatever other time periods may exist in this universe.

'Til the next time,


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