Chapter twenty five

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Sherlock (again because it's easier):

1:03 am

The school was dead silent as I raced through, still wearing my pyjamas. I forced myself to continue running to reach the one eyed witch statues. I continuously turned 'round wrong corners, and nearly fell out a window at one point. I hadn't expected it to be this frantic.

1:10 am

The clock was ticking, and I'd finally reached the statue. It then struck me that I didn't know how to get it open. I tried tapping certain places with my wand, whispering any spells that might work, and even tried "open sesame". Nothing worked. I then proceeded to sit down in the cloak of shadows, and dread. There was no point in anything. I had forty minutes left, and I couldn't even open the passage, let alone run all the way to the hog's head without being caught.

"I'm sorry, John, for whatever happens" I whispered to myself.

1:34 am

"James, hurry up. We need to be back before anyone wakes up, and you know Remus. He wakes up at like four am!" The familiar voice of Sirius whispered through the darkness. James. No...

But... No. James potter was too stupid by far to be the cause of this! anyway! the handwriting was completely different.

But that thought lingered in my mind for a bit longer.

"Dissendium"James whispered. The passage opened up, and I had just enough light to see both boys crawl through.


Once I was sure I'd given them enough time to get through and go wherever they were going, I whispered the password, and the tunnel opened up again. I crawled through, and found myself in a tunnel. I figured there'd be something on the other end, and so continued through it, until, finally, my feet touched the floor.

1:46 am

And then I was running. I hardly noticed the snow enclosing my bare feet as I sprinted through the empty town.

"Hey! Who are you!" Someone yelled, startling me. I slid into a small shelter set up and hid there until the light had turned off, meaning the person had gone back inside, and then continued.

1:56 am

I know the Hogs Head is just off here. I hadn't checked the time in ages, for fear of being too late, but I stole a quick glance before charging off again. 1:56. I had four minutes. Four.

As soon as I reached the Hog's head! I flung open the door and entered, not caring at all about scaring the man who sat behind the counter.

"Where are they?" I whispered to him.

"Where are who?" He replied.

"The two people who were just in here. What happened to them?" I raged.

"Apparated out, both of 'em" he remarked.

"Did they say anything?" I growled. "Did they leave a message? Sherlock Holmes? Any messages at all?"

"There was one. Doesn't make much sense..." He informed.

"What was it?" But he'd returned to cleaning his mug "WHAT WAS IT!" I yelled at him. He jumped and turned back to me.

"I'm surprised they don't teach you manners up at that school." He sighed "the message was 'kiss him goodbye'"

Dread flooded my mind.

I was too late, and I knew that nothing, no matter how much Dumbledore assured me otherwise, would stop him from getting into the school and hurting John.

The only friend I've ever had.

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