Chapter nine

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As the prefects lead us back to the common room, I was starting to feel tired, but the other boys in the cabin were having none of it. As soon as they got in, they started chatting as loudly as they could. I threw a pillow at James when it was around midnight, but he caught it and threw it back without so much as a waver in his voice.

That was the moment I decided that I'd give up on trying to sleep, and instead, spend the night trying to learn as much as possible for class tomorrow.

So there I sat, in my bed, reading a text book for school, while everyone else around me was talking.

"Guys, shut up now or I'll strangle you" a new voice said from the other side of the room. I hadn't noticed there being someone else, but I wasn't really paying attention, so it wasn't exactly difficult to sneak by my notice.

"But we're talking, Greg" James complained.

"You can talk tomorrow, but I can tell that John wants sleep, and I do too, so you guys need to spare a thought for the others in here" Greg growled. James grudgingly whispered 'night' and the others replied, and not another word was heard from them that night.

The next morning, after checking my timetable for the day, I went out of my way to thank Greg for shutting them up.

"It's fine" he assured me "they were annoying all of us. You were just being too polite to tell them to stop."

"It was more that I didn't want to tell them to be quiet because I didn't know how much they knew about each other" I laughed "I'm John Watson"

"Greg Lestrade" he replied "I noticed that you're friends with Sherlock Holmes?"

"Don't go telling me he's dangerous. I've heard it" I muttered.

"No. I was going to say that I knew him." He informed "we've lived next door to each other for the past five years. Let me tell you, I'm kinda glad he's not in Gryffindor. It's impossible to sleep even when you're not in the same house as him... Uh, house house, I mean... No this house"

"I get you" I laughed "is he really that bad?"

I had only just started to notice that we were making our way down to the Great Hall.

"He seems to stay up all night talking to himself" Lestrade confirmed "just take a look at the Ravenclaws today. I bet they'll look tired"

I laughed as I looked over to the Ravenclaw table. Sure enough, they were all grumpy looking and half-asleep. I noticed Sherlock towards the end of the table, looking just as he did yesterday. I made my way towards him, not caring much for breakfast.

"I see you've met Lestrade" Sherlock muttered as I came over "less of an idiot than the others. He's still friends with them"

"Who?" I asked.

"Donovan, and Anderson. Wasn't it obvious?"

I decided not to answer that.

"Anyway, Anderson had a fight with Molly last night" he informed me. I had no idea who Molly was, but nodded "it was about whether or not I was a psychopath"

"Are you?" I muttered. I knew he wasn't, but it was worth a check.

"Obviously not" he replied.

"And who's Molly?" I inquired, looking at the girl Sherlock was looking at.

"She's a Hufflepuff girl. The only reason I know her name is because she came after me in sorting." Sherlock informed "but apparently she doesn't believe Anderson that I'm a psychopath. Oddly firm belief for someone she's never met before"

"I guess" I agreed, not entirely listening. She sat down in a group of people and began chatting.

"Aren't you going to eat something?" He muttered, pointing to the players of food in front of us "if so, you might want to before the others come"

I shook my head "I'm not hungry" I told him.

"You should eat" he informed.

"Easy for you to say" I scoffed "eat something yourself"

"I don't eat often on weekdays" he offered.

"I'm not hungry" I repeated, getting up "do we want to go back to a dormitory? We've got about an hour before class"

"Uh, sure" he agreed.

"Can we go to yours?" I muttered "I think the others are still in mine, and they're a bit boisterous for me"

"Sure thing" he agreed, and showed me to his common room.


The most difficult thing in this story is figuring out what house everyone's in? Does it all seem reasonably accurate?

So anyway, do you like this chapter? Please leave comments! I need to know what you think! What do you think would improve the story? What do you think I could be doing better at? Please leave feedback!

'Til the next time,


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