Chapter twenty nine

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Eventually, James and Sebastian had fled from the site, apparently to be met by ministry workers at the boundaries of the forest. Dumbledore then came to us to make sure we were okay. He undid the body locking curse, and I explained what had happened.
"And John, are you okay?" I asked suddenly, after a small silence had settled between us.
"I'm fine" he replied.
"No you're not" I informed him "you're hurt, and scared, and concerned"
"You caught me" he resigned.
"Come on then. Back to the school?" Dumbledore interrupted "some rest would be quite good for you two"
I knew that rest, for either of us, was slightly out of the question, but we both nodded and agreed.
It seemed as though things were okay, but a lot can happen in the wizarding world, and we knew that far better than anyone else.
As we walked in silence back to the school, John and I agreed silently to talk more about it once Dumbledore was gone, and tell each other our true thoughts about what happened. We did so during the walk back to our dorms. Well, my dorm. John knew the others would be awake, and didn't want them pestering him about what happened until the next morning, makes sense, really.
"Are you okay? You say you are, but" I asked again.
"Well, my arms are killing me, and I feel like I've just fought a massive war, but I'm fine-" he cut himself off, smiling sheepishly
Something was going to end that sentence, but I couldn't quite figure out what it was, and so settled with what he'd told me.
"Anyway, what about you? What even happened, anyway? More than just what you told Dumbledore" he inquired.
"James wanted me to join him, but because of the conversation I had with Dumbledore last night, I was too late to meet him, and the reason I was going to join him was because of-" you. I wanted to tell him, but I didn't want him to feel odd or something "anyway, I didn't, and so he did that to you. Gave me an hour to find you, or you'd die. Apparently, I was late to that so..." I gestured to him as explanation.
"Well I'm okay. I mean, you've got to admit, I was pretty awesome there" he smirked.
"Yeah, okay. You were pretty awesome" I agreed with a small laugh.
Everything looked fine. Everything was fine. Absolutely, completely and utterly fine.
I was fine.
John was fine.
We were fine.

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