Chapter 25- Tigerlilies

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*Jenna's POV*

"At least you know her name."

I've never met Jack's 'Juliet' before, but I already didn't like her. Maybe it was because she sounded aloof and stuck up and vague, or maybe because with th dim lights of the bars and the dull haze acohol put over my eyes, made Jack look exceptionally attractive. I liked his stubbled face and jet-black spikes of hair (except for that one strike of blonde) and his long arms and limbs made him look almost elastic.

He was silent for awhile, taking in my sarcasm.

"Well... Flowers and chocolates are always an option" I smiled, trying to dull the sting of my prevous comment.

"That's a good idea... what kind?" He chirped, his eyes flashing brightly as though a light bulb had been switched on inside of him. It was really quite cute. I imagined Jack giving me flowers, what I would want. I wouldn't something expensive like orchids or roses, but i wouldn't want plain things like daisies or chrysanthenems. I pictured him waltzing up to my front door back home in Sydney, knocking on my door, me rushing to open it and there he would stand holding a bunch of tigerlilies. Their orange petals glowing in the morning sunshine, glowng like his smile and mine.

"Tigerlies" I blurted. He smiled and chuckled.

"Really? I'd never really think of that."

"Trust me." It would win me over, I wanted to add but my conscience stopped me. He nodded and got up from his chair.

"Thank you Jenna, for all the help."

"Your welcome, it was nice meeting you. We should get going."


We walked home in silence, I suppose he was thinking about Juliet. That thougt kind of saddened me. I really wanted him to think of me, to want to see me as much as he wanted to see Juliet.

But that will never happen, because I'm no Juliet.

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