A New Perspective

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I must say, this idea is exciting. I've written in POVs of non-hunters-turned-hunters, and hunters. Never done an angel's POV before. This is gonna be interesting.

Disclaimer: Vera, Alona, and anybody else that happens to be my own creation belong to me. Any original plot line/concepts/characters from Supernatural do not belong to me. 

Like all my stories, I take great pride in them. You attempt to steal anything from me, I will have Heaven's fury thrown down on you faster than you can say 'No!' 

Got it?

Oh, and, one other thing: If you haven't already noticed, this story is rated 'Mature'. For what, you ask?


*Sexual content (mild and mentions)

*Some language

*Dark themes

Just to be safe. I don't want to get a lot of complaints with "this should be Mature, there's *insert graphic thing there*!" Not that it's going the 50 Shades of Grey route. Nope, nada. Ain't happening. So you can breathe easy there.

But, I will say this: what you're about to read, you won't see coming. Any of it. Well, maybe some of it, sometimes you guys are pretty good detectives. 

Still, things won't be all cookie-cutter pretty. That's what I'm pretty good at.

(P.S. Originally this was gonna be another Sammy fic, but with how the story fell into place...yeah, it's not so much a Sammy fic. You'll see why.)

trailer by kindred-souls

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