XXII - Visit from a "Friend"

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XXII – Visit from a "Friend"

When the Winchesters disappear for a case on the road, I'm left alone at Bobby's. The said hunter must be on hunts of his own, or an extended vacation, because he still hasn't returned. As of now, I'm the sole occupant of this house.

It's been like this for a little bit now. The Winchesters would come to roost for a bit before taking off again. This was just until I got my full strength back and got the green light to go hunting with them.

It does get lonely, when the Winchesters are away. I can't really go anywhere without losing my sense of direction. And I don't know how to drive a car—that's another big issue at hand. Even without the ball and chain, I'm cooped up.

I sit at the kitchen table, munching on tasteless cereal. Molecules seemed to taste better than the mush I've currently got in my bowl. I lose my appetite and move it around. My nose wrinkles.

"Jesus, feathers."

I don't jump, much to my surprise. Instead, I look up. In the library is Ruby, who looks...I don't know how she looks. She's got an unusual emotion on her face—well, one for her at least. Her mouth is parted slightly.

"The hell are you doing here? Shouldn't you be kicking ass and taking names?"

"Noticed the big difference?" I say sorely.

Ruby enters the kitchen, circling the table. "I can't see your true face. Dude, what happened to you?"

I swallow. I feel like the cereal is lumped in my throat. "I've gone human."

"That's what it is! Guess I can't call ya 'feathers' anymore. Damn, Vera. What...how did that even happen?"

"Why do you suddenly care?"

"Because the badass angel I was scared of isn't that same badass angel anymore. Instead she's just a lump of a body, munching away on cardboard."

I frown. "This isn't cardboard; it's cereal." And did she just admit that she's afraid of me? Out loud? In front of me?

"It's an expression, V." Ruby pinches between her eyebrows. "Whose ass do I need to go kick?"

I raise a brow. "As much as I strangely appreciate the gesture, if you go looking for someone's ass to kick, they'll hand yours to you first."

"Did the Winchesters do this?"

I shake my head. "No."

"Then who did?" Ruby leans on the table. "I can't read minds here, you gotta give me something."

I get out of the chair. "I don't want to talk about it."


"Because it's uncomfortable." I glare at her sharply.

Ruby is unfazed by my eyes. "So? My job is to make you uncomfortable. Scout's honor."

I roll my eyes. "I lost my Grace, okay? And I can't get it back."

"And you're not doing anything and everything to actively find it?"

I shrug. "What can I do, Ruby? Look at me. I bleed easy. I don't have my abilities. I'm human." The people who stole it from me will kill me easily, too. It'd be difficult to track down my Grace.

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