~XIII~ - Target

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~XIII~ – Target

"Come on, feathers. We're allies. We need to tolerate each other."

"Oh, I am. And you won't shut your mouth to give me some peace, so that tolerance is slowly dropping." I really want Sam and Dean here right now. Anna isn't speaking a word, she hasn't since she got out of the bathroom. She must think it's best to keep quiet.

I'm glad someone wants to be.

"Do you still have my weapon?" I begrudgingly ask Ruby.

"Sure I do. But I've got it in a safe place, so don't think you're gonna go looking for it and find it easy." She raises her head in slight pride. "Besides, you've got a replacement."

"But it's not mine."

"Do you carve your names into them or something?"


"Does yours handle different than the one you've got now?"


"Then why does it make a damn difference whose weapon you got if it's the exact same thing?"

I turn my head to the door as I feel Sam and Dean's presence. I feel my body relax, even more so when they both walk inside.

"Glad you could make it," says Ruby.

"Yeah, thanks," says Sam. "Anna, are you okay?"

"Yeah. I think so," the redhead replies. "Ruby's not like other demons. She saved my life, and she did too." Anna nods to me.

"Vera," I tell her. "If you ever need to remember my name." I offer her a tiny smile. "And for the record, I think Ruby's behavior is because I accompanied her."

"But whose idea was it to get her out of there?" Ruby retorts. "You just got us out of there, I made up the plan. Even if I was alone, I know she needs to stay alive. I wouldn't hurt her."

I only narrow my eyes at Ruby, definitely unconvinced by that.

"Yeah, I hear she does that," says Dean, responding to Anna. "I guess I...You know."

"What?" asks Ruby.

"I guess I owe you for...Sam. And I just wanted...you know..."

"Don't strain yourself."

"Okay, then. Is the moment over?" Ruby nods. "Good, cause that was awkward."

"No appreciation for me?" I ask.

"You weren't with him for as long as I was, feathers," Ruby tells me. "No use in whining about no credit."

"Hey, Sam, you think it'd be safe to make a quick call, just to tell my parents I'm okay?" Anna asks. "They must be completely freaked."

The four of us exchange uncomfortable looks.

"Uh..." Sam is the only one whose using words at the moment.


"Anna, um...Your parents..."

"What about them?"

"Look, I'm sorry."

Anna's face turns horrified. "No, they're not..."

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