~X~ - Samhain

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~X~ – Samhain

I take note that the pain suddenly stops, the burning dies off. Sam and Dean are done writhing in pain as well. We're all lying still on the floor. I want to pull us out of here, I want to get out of here—but then I remember how much I'm in this, like the Winchesters are. I need them to trust me.

Samhain goes to Tracy, whose back is to him and not the altar. She turns, smiling at him. I hold in the gag in my throat as the two kiss.

"My love," Tracy croons.

"You've aged," says Samhain.

"This face...I can't fool you."

"Your beauty is beyond time."

In a sudden turn of events, Samhain snaps the neck of his "love".


I mimic Sam and Dean and lie still, eyes shut. My heart is running. He walks past us, and I feel it's safe to move when he disappears upstairs and shuts the door. I slowly sit up and take note of Tracy's dead corpse. Love hurts, even if I don't know what that feels like.

"What the hell was that?" Dean asks his brother in a whisper.

"Halloween lore," Sam breathes. "People used to wear masks to hide from him, so I gave it a shot."

"You gave it a shot?!"

"It was this or death by Samhain," I side with Sam. "Be thankful."

"It was a hunch, Vera!"

"One that paid off." I get to my feet. "Come on."

The three of us leave the basement, carnage included, and step out into the brisk Halloween night. We head towards the car, trying our best to get the blood off our faces.

"Where the hell are we gonna find this mook?" asks Dean.

"Where would you go to raise other dark forces of the night?" asks Sam.

"The cemetery," I blurt out. The Winchesters look at me. "What? I'm not completely clueless as to how the Earth works. I've seen them before. It's where the dead are laid to rest. Give me some credit."

Dean speeds the car off, thankfully not hitting costumed children. I don't beat the Winchesters to Samhain. I'd rather not go charging in and end up getting myself killed. Safety in numbers. Besides, odds are, his strength might surpass mine. I'm taking no chances.

"So, this demon's pretty powerful," Sam starts the conversation in a quiet car ride.

"Yeah," Dean agrees.

"Might take more than the usual weapons."

"We already know she's gonna lend us a hand." Dean looks at me in the mirror up front. "Unless you got cold feet and are about to scram on us."

I shake my head. "If you wouldn't leave me, I won't leave you."

"I wasn't talking about Vera, Dean," Sam tells his brother.

My mouth parts, and Dean looks mad. He's clearly figure out, like I have, what Sam is suggesting. He's suggesting he uses his powers of his own.

"Sam, no, you're not using your psychic whatever. Don't even think about it. Ruby's knife is enough."


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