~I~ - Finding Sam Winchester

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~I~ – Finding Sam Winchester

Damn demons. Whatever they put on those weapons prevents me from healing.

I'm a tattered mess. Anyone walking by me would probably assume I'm a homeless person.

I'm lucky to have enough strength to find him. Call it intuition or just a feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I know I'm on his trail.

I stagger, seeking out the abandoned house. Alona and I have been separated. She won't approve of what I'm doing. But I have to. The Winchesters were involved with Lilith, and they still are. Since the elder Winchester is currently spending life in Hell, the younger is the only one left. If he wants to go after Lilith, he's the key to ending her, with or without him.

I know he's not dead, I would have heard it over the angel radio. I hold one of my bleeding sides, feel sticky stuff on my face. I need to clean myself off. Right now, I barely have enough power to try and heal a little bit.

I find the door of the abandoned house. It reeks of slowly decaying wood. I push the unlocked door and step inside, the creaks in the floor giving away my position. He should be here somewhere. Or he was here. I'm not sure what kind of trail I'm following just yet.

I enter the den room and pick up another scent on top of Sam Winchester's, one I can't exactly place right away. This can't be where he hides. But then I remember he is a hunter of the supernatural.

Feeling lightheaded, I stagger to the nearest chair and slump into it, holding my wounds. All are still bleeding, but not profusely enough to cause alarm. Alona, I will find you. I think I've found him. Sam Winchester. He could be tracking her. I can possibly end her and all of this.

I feel stray dark, curly strands tickle my face. I blow them away, but they come back to irritate me more. I scowl.

Then I hear it. Normal beings wouldn't be able to, but I'm no ordinary being. Wincing, I grab my blade and jump out from the seat, standing on wobbly legs. I feel full of relief as I've found Sam Winchester, but I'm not happy about who I've found him with.

What I really see her as prevents me from seeing the vessel she's inhabited. If I can see her, she most definitely can see me. But how come he's with her? Don't hunters know better, that a demon is the enemy?

I am tall for a woman, but Sam Winchester is taller. He's got a ragged-looking knife in one hand, while the demon is behind him, almost as though she's a loyal lapdog. This picture doesn't look right.

"Who are you?" Sam demands.

"I-I found you," I whisper, flinching.

"I said, who are you?"

"Easy, I'm not out to hurt you."

"Really? The weapon says otherwise," says the demon.

"As you can see, I'm injured." I drop the blade at my feet. My vessel's legs cave under me, and I go to the floor. Sam is the first to run for me and keep me from hitting the ground.

"Whoa, whoa, okay, okay," he says. He turns his head to look at the demon. "Help me."

Reluctantly, the demon gets one arm over her shoulder and Sam gets the other. Together, they haul me back into the chair I originally sat in. The demon picks up my blade, arming herself. I narrow my eyes at her.

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