~XXXII~ - Goose Chase

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~XXXII~ – Goose Chase

Ruby's help has gotten me somewhere. Her lead is the strongest I've got since starting this mission. Granted, it's taken a few days, and a few demons to kill (and one angel), but I think this is almost over. I can return to Sam and Dean and to the original mission.

I feel the anticipation in my veins. I want this to be put to rest. Once my mind is at ease on this, I'll feel better.

Ruby and I stand before an empty, closed barn in the middle of the night. According to what she's helped me find, our prime suspect of Alona's murder is lurking inside. I got a name from Ruby: Silas. He sounds like one tough demon with a name like that.

"So, plan?" I ask, looking to Ruby.

"Oh, so I'm calling the shots? This was your thing, not mine."

"You're in this too. You volunteered. You get some say in it."

"Thanks, V. Well, we might not have long if Silas detects us from inside. We got to be quick about it. You wouldn't happen to have any cloaking abilities in your arsenal, would you?"

"Sadly, no. You?"

"I'm a demon, not a witch." She taps her fingers against her side. "Tell you what: I'll sneak up top, you go in on the ground. I'll hang back as backup in case you really need me. This is all you, V. I've done what I can. I'm not taking your kill away from you."

"Good, because I would fight you if you tried." Producing a blade at my side, Ruby and I branch off. She rounds a side of the barn while I approach the closed doors. My heart is running faster. This is it. Sam, Dean, I'll see you very soon.

Instead of kicking the door down, I use my powers to throw the doors open. Above, thunder crackles with a spot of lightning. Hmm, my anger affects the weather. Usually that doesn't happen. Usually more powerful angels can manipulate the weather. I guess I'm just lucky this time.

The barn is dark, and it's full of rusty equipment and bales of unused hay. The blocks look like walls in the dark. I step inside, my feet crunching on the hay on the ground. I'm sure Ruby is somewhere on the upper level by now, waiting.

"I find it hard to believe that a demon would run away from a fight like a coward," I say loudly. "I can sense you, Silas. Come out now, and maybe I'll make your death quick."

"You angels are always so dramatic with your words." The voice is behind me. I turn, weapon aimed right at him as he emerges from a high stack of hay. He stands taller than me by a few inches, and his eyes are his natural, demonic color of black. "I thought with the impending end of the world that you would be trying to stop that. But here you are, seeking out little old me. Should I feel honored?"

"Why are you hiding out in this place?"

"Gotta have a hole to hide in." He stuffs his hands into his pockets. "What do I owe this intrusion?"

"You murdered one of my friends."

Silas frowns. "I didn't think angels had friends."

That's getting really old. "Her vessel had darker skin and a serious face. She was female. Does that strike anything for you?"

He shrugs. "Look, who and what I kill aren't your concern."

"Answer my question."

"I kill a lot of people, human or not. You're going to have to give me more. The tally blends together after a time."

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