~III~ - The Astoria Motel

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III – The Astoria Motel

"This place is...in such poor taste," I comment, wrinkling my nose.

Since I've somehow been accepted into this trio, we've been crashing at motels that have god awful taste. This latest one, the Astoria Motel...it's a place that stinks like sex and alcohol. Believe me when I say that. Angels can smell a lot more than humans can.

"Hey, you can go anytime you want," Ruby tells me. "You can poof away somewhere. We won't miss you."

"Nice to know I'm liked." I twist my hair into a bun. Sam is currently hogging the shower, I can feel the faint heat from the water through the bathroom door. The steam relieves the pain in my head. Angel radio had gone wild pretty recently, all with one thing being shouted: Dean Winchester is saved.

Now, why haven't I told Sam Winchester that his brother is out of Hell? Well, I don't think he'll believe me, even if I am an angel and can give him proof. I can't just magically poof myself to Dean and bring him at Sam's doorstep. I still don't fully trust my powers since my last incident.

Besides, that's not my priority. I'm not about family reunions, I'm about saving the world as all beings know it from being destroyed by a very powerful demon.

"Something catching your eye, feathers?" Ruby waggles her eyebrows at me. She's wearing a tank top and underwear, both matching. I'm the only one of the two of us who's dressed normal.

"When are you giving me my blade back? You still have it."

"It's stashed somewhere. Finders keepers."

"You didn't find it, you took it from me while I bled out."

Ruby scoffs. "Someone doesn't like to share."

"That blade doesn't belong in the hands of the likes of you." I narrow my eyes.

"Just for that, you're never getting it back." She pulls out a phone, dialing a number. "You up for some pizza, feathers? Do you even eat food?"

I tilt my head. "Um, no. I haven't. I don't."

"You're missing out. You're trying food today."

Alona, I try again as Ruby is talking through the phone. Please, hear me. Tell me where you are. Or just that you're alright.

I've been...better, comes Alona's weak voice through the angel radio.

So you're not demon chow. Good.

Since when do you talk like that?

I've been...busy.

So have I.

Doing what?

What you're trying to do, only I'm following the rules and the leader on this one.

Things don't get done fast if you follow rules.

They get done efficiently.

That's not how I operate.

You're right. You've always wanted to be the first to do something great just to prove yourself worthy of any acceptance.

My brows crinkle over my eyes. I'm just an Angel of the Lord, like you, doing her civil duty.

I always knew you were eager to help out, but I didn't realize you were going to be a handful.

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