~II~ - Work in Progress

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~II~ – Work In Progress

It doesn't take long for my wound to heal, I can feel the process. To appease Sam, though, I keep the wrappings on. I end up becoming the third of this party to kill Lilith. For a while, we find no leads.

That is, until Sam picks up on something, and then I catch on as well.

To most, what we see wouldn't be significant to humans. There are signs, omens, that Lilith is close, within striking distance. Sam and I keep this to ourselves for a bit, we plan to make this a mission just for the two of us. True, I most likely am not strong enough to kill Lilith, but perhaps Sam is.

Though, I honestly have no idea how he will overpower her.

I've become accustomed to the abandoned house. Sunlight filters through the dusty windows, and I find myself sneezing. My vessel must have a dust allergy.

I've also become accustomed to the presences that Sam and the demon give off. I'm often right in who approaches. Sam's feet are heavier than the demon's; she's almost inaudible to hear, even by my standards.

"How you feeling, feathers?"

I turn away from the dusty window to find the demon watching me curiously. I can't really get a read on her face, true face or not. She's hard to decipher. "Better."

"I know you and Sam are already buddying up, keeping things from me."

I roll my eyes. "Let me ask you something, since you would know better than me. When Sam finds Lilith, how is he going to stop her?"

"Well, since you're an angel, you must know what runs through his blood."

I swallow. "Yes, I do." How come I didn't connect it sooner? Of course. It's the reason why the angels are divided in having Sam Winchester kill Lilith. It's the reason why it is divided on the Winchester boy's existence in general. His blood contains blood of a demon, thanks to Azazael, a yellow-eyed demon. Little Sam had ingested it at just six months old, which was the night that his house burned down in Kansas, not to mention it was also the night he lost his mother, Mary Winchester, to death by a nursery fire. "Is he ready?"

"Far from it. I've been trying to get him to work on it. The attempts don't look good in our favor."

"He's just not trying hard enough."

"Oh, he is, feathers."

"What's with that name, demon?"

Now it's her turn to roll her eyes. "The name's Ruby, once you feel the need to stop calling me 'demon'."

"I'm just calling you what you are," I say innocently. "Where's the harm in that?"

"Look, I've dealt with enough demon racism for my lifetime. It'd be a nice break if it stopped at you."

I meet Ruby's brown eyes at hearing Sam on the move. "Sam?" The steps falter, he knows I've heard him. But it doesn't stop him, the footsteps resume. "Sam?" I leave the room, hearing Ruby on my tail. I see him packing a bag. "What is it?"

"Lilith. She's definitely in town," he insists. "I can end this right now."

"You're not ready yet," Ruby says, as she stands clear far away from me.

"It's now or never."

"No, we got to wait until you get it right. You haven't been too successful."

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