~V~ - Pulled in Different Directions

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~V~ – Pulled in Different Directions

Vera? Are you listening? It's me, Sam Winchester. I-I know we got off on the wrong foot, but, I need you. To prove a point. It's just...we need to know something for sure. You're the person, being, what have you, to prove it. I'm sorry, for what I said. I know I got mad at you, but it wasn't worth almost risking my life, because, you're an angel, and you can easily poof me into dust if you wanted to.

All I'm asking is that you hear me, and, please, just humor me and find me.

I sigh through my nose in irritation. Of all times, Sam Winchester wants my help? What is with this man? He's playing a risky game, pissing off an Angel of the Lord. I lick my lips. Like many of the angels on Earth, I've been trying to find Lilith.

So far, all I've found is dead angel. It's not hard to recognize a fallen brother or sister. When angels die, their wings are scorched into whatever is nearby at the time of death. The angel I'm glancing down at now, who took up a female vessel with striking blue hair, has a huge hole in her chest.

I'm surprised no humans have noticed the body in broad daylight. There's always one that stumbles upon the dead.

They must've been on the right track. Or the wrong place at the wrong time. My mind goes to demon. But I'm not sure if it's a run-of-the-mill or Lilith. I quirk my mouth into a questioning line.

"That makes four," says a female voice.

Picking my head up, I come face to face with my good friend, Alona. She's taken up a vessel with dark skin, straightened hair, and eyes so cold they can pierce through any soul. The attire suggests the woman did some sort of business. "Four?"

"There've been reports of others dead," she says gravely, walking closer towards the body.


"Possibly. We're looking into it. Are you alright, Vera?"


"You seem...different. What's happened to you?"

"A lot." I avoid eye contact.

"You found Sam Winchester."

"I did. And I didn't die because of it." I offer her a waning smile. She gives me a scalding look. "What?"

"I don't remember finding the Winchester boy part of your job."

"Alona, he's in this mess with Lilith like Heaven is. It's not that much of a stretch."

"Maybe you weren't ready to be in the field."

I snort. "You and I both know that's not true. I'm one of the better fighters of the garrison."

"If that's so, where's your weapon?" She raises a questioning eyebrow.

"I...lost it."

"Lost as in misplaced or as in an enemy took it? Did the Winchester boy take it?"

"No. I just...misplaced it."

"Vera, you and I have known each other for a long time. I know when you lie. It's not very becoming on you." She offers me a teasing smile. Most of the time, Alona is serious as the day is long, but at times, like sun through the clouds, a little playfulness peeks through. "I'm not the one you need to worry about disappointing."

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