XXV - Battle of the Brothers

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XXV – Battle of the Brothers

"You want this blood because..." Dr. Roberts leaves her question open-ended and hanging, waiting for Sam or me to answer her.

"Uh, we'd like to run some tests," is Sam's answer.

"You know, I've run every test there is. It's, um, my job. Notice the lab coat."

"We know a specialist who'd like to try out a theory."

Dr. Roberts moves to a cabinet. "If you say so." She slides out a tray, full of blood test tubes. "What the hell?"


"The blood's gone."

"How can it be gone?" I ask.

"I don't know, Agent. How about you tell me?"

"Alright, there's no need to get hostile," Sam cuts in. "Let's go find security. You have cameras around, right?"

"Of course."

We find security, and we explain the situation. We're allowed to see the footage. We review it, twice. Twice, we come back empty. No signs of someone breaking in to steal the blood samples.

"We've watched them twice," Dr. Roberts says. "Whoever took the blood..."

"Must have tampered with the tapes," Sam concludes. "Who has access to your office?"

"Everybody. I don't lock it."

"You what?" I ask.

"I've never had this problem before. What is so important about the blood anyway?"

"We think someone drugged the men, made them commit murder," Sam tells her.

"What? What kind of drug?"

"Ah, we're not sure yet."

"I don't know. I mean, I interviewed those guys and they had their reasons."

"Yeah but they all loved their victims."

"I'm sure they did. Come on. Haven't you ever been in a relationship where you really love somebody and still kinda wanted to bash their head in?"

"Sounds like you're speaking from experience."


"Look, I'm sorry, I don't mean to pry."

"It's okay. I was the one who brought it up."

"I hate to interrupt whatever this is," I say, gesturing to Sam and Dr. Roberts, "but I'll step out and search the hospital, see if I can get any clues."

"By all means do. Not sure how much of help it'll give you, though."

Even though Dr. Roberts offers me a smile, I stalk out of her office. Sam and she are getting too friendly, and if something happens, I don't want to be there to witness it. Or be involved. Why am I worried anyway? We aren't anything. We don't have a title. Why do I care?

I don't search the hospital. Fuming, I step outside into the night, exhaling. My legs are shaking like my hands are. Alona, please. I know you hear me. Ignoring me is rude. Give me my Grace back and this will stop, I promise you. It's one last favor. Please. My favor to you will not be asking you anymore favors for the rest of eternity.

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