Bonus Chapter

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Bonus Chapter

She said she would come back. Now, she's not. And Ruby is the reason. I'm glad she's dead.

Sam Winchester is distraught as he stays in a spare room at Bobby Singer's place. The damage has been done. Lucifer has been released, Lilith killed. It had been Ruby's plan all this time, to get Lucifer out of the box. She'd fooled them all, but unfortunately for her, she didn't live to see the Devil rise from his cage.

Sam knows he shouldn't dwell on this; there are bigger monsters to gank. Bigger things to worry about, like say, an apocalypse and the end of the world as humans know it. But he can't help but feel something missing in his heart. A small piece of it that a certain angel had taken from him.

He pulls at his hair, feeling as though he'd be okay if he ripped some chunks out. A few strands wouldn't hurt him, they'd grow back easily. He feels like he's off track now more than ever. With Vera, he'd felt like he was doing something right. That whenever he saw her, he knew he and the others were on the path to saving the world.

But when she disappeared and never came back...

Sam groans, frustrated with himself. I should have made her stay. I should have convinced her. I could have locked her up in the panic room and kept her safe. But he knows that she would have never forgiven him for it.

He's definitely glad Ruby is dead, because that bitch killed Vera. And unlike Ruby, Sam is positive he had feelings for the angel. He'd felt something for her, in her small, brief human period. He'd felt more of a connection to her then than when she had tracked him and Ruby down, wounded.

A painful smile touches the youngest Winchester's lips. He remembers her: her desire to do the right thing; the soft look she got when she looked at him; her determination to stick with the mission.

Even though Sam knows that most angels are dicks, he knows Vera is—was—different. She cared about the collateral damage that got inflicted to the world. She, unlike most of the other angels, cared.

Sam exhales heavily, wishing he could erase this moment. But then that would be erasing her existence entirely. I don't want to forget her.

Through his pain, Sam is grateful. He's grateful that what he shared with Vera didn't escalate into something more. He's not sure how much worse he would be if he had lost her and they had gotten to really know each other, or say the special, three-worded phrase.

**Poor Sammy. Poor Samvera.

Unfortunately, both ships have sunk.**

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