~XVII~ - Siren Call (And Not From an Actual Siren)

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~XVII~ – Siren Call (And Not From an Actual Siren)

"I think you should sleep this off," I tell Ruby as I lug her into the motel room that she broke into. Even when drunk, she can still function fairly well.

"Demons don't sleep, feathers." She pokes me on the nose, a drunken smile on her face. "You should know that. Demon One-Oh-One." She lightly (tries to anyway) punch me on the arm. "Seriously, how are you not drunk off your ass?"

"I have a higher tolerance."

"Damn right you do." She pinches my face between her fingers.

"Can you not do that?" My face feels hot at her touch.

"Why?" I can see my reflection in her pupils. "Does it make you uncomfortable, Vera? Does it make you squirm?"

I can't find any words to say to her. I just stand there, like a mollified deer in headlights. I'm not afraid that she's going to do something to hurt me or kill me, I'm afraid she'll do something that will cause us both to do something we'll both regret later on.

"I can see the reluctance in you," Ruby whispers. "Stop looking so terrified, doll face. It's only me." She smirks. "I'm your best friend."

I wouldn't say "best friend".

Before I can stop her, she pulls my face down, and our mouths meet. She shoves me hard into the door, and I'm aware of her kneading the loose waves of hair near my face.

This is wrong. We shouldn't do this. Pull away, you moron. Pull. Away. But I don't, I do the exact opposite. It's like she's awakened a dragon inside of me, and my fingers claw at her, making sure she's still in front of me. My knees almost go weak when her tongue slides across my top lip.

As I go in for a kiss this time, Ruby pulls away, leaving me fogged up in the head and leaning against the door.

"A flustered angel, how sexy."

I notice how low her voice has gotten, how soft, how...seductive. Like the siren call you don't want to hear, because you have that feeling it will bring you to your death. But you can't help but heed it and obey.

There's no dark magic that Ruby's using on me, she's only using herself. And it's working like a charm.

I straighten up and compose myself. Alright. You want to play that way? I can do that too. I focus on Ruby, watch her as her brown eyes widen. I'm doing subtle gestures with my fingers at my hands, throwing a little bit of Grace her way.

"Oh, you slick bitch," she murmurs, falling onto the bed. I slowly creep towards her, watch her squirm now. She writhes, her face in an expression of coming elation. "You're clever, I'll give you that. Never need to get your hands dirty." I climb over her, my hair around my face. "Kind of takes away from the point of sex, though."

"So what?" I straddle her lap. "Gives me power over you. Shows me how much at mercy I can make you be."

"Well, well," she pants, using her elbows to sit up, "the real Vera is showing herself at last. Good to meet her."

"You seem to be sobering up awful fast." My brows furrow. "Was that an act to set up all this?"

"I'll never tell." Ruby smirks. "You might just have to torture the answer out of me."

I do. And I don't even have to lift a finger. Though sex is supposed to a foreign concept to me, I know the pleasure points on the female body...and male. (Look, there are some things that you just know.) To watch Ruby at my mercy, to see her writhe and moan because of me...it's oddly empowering.

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