~XIV~ - Mystery Solved (Sort Of)

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~XIV~ – Mystery Solved (Sort Of)

"Thank you," I tell Alona sincerely. We're in the middle of a clearing, and it's still night. "I knew you would answer."

"You're lucky that I do."

"I'm also grateful."

"What are you getting yourself into, Vera?"

"I'm doing my part in helping save the world."

"No, you're running around with hunters and their demon pet."

Ruby would definitely hate to be called that. She hated me calling her a dog the first time we met. "Who are doing all that they can to save the world."

"Oh, really? If that's the case, how come Lilith hasn't been stopped yet by them? How come you haven't been actively searching for her like we have?"


"That's what I thought." Alona shakes her head. "Vera..."

"Are you going to bash me for my involvement with them, too? Castiel and Uriel did a good enough job on their own." I frown. "I'm still doing what Heaven is asking. I'm just doing it in a more...unconventional way."

"This isn't a game, Vera! The world is at stake! And here you are, working with hunters that are capable of murdering you!"

"They wouldn't do that. They don't know how to kill us, Alona."

"But they will. And once they do, you don't think they won't try to kill you?" She raises a brow.

"They won't," I insist. "They're...they're good people. Flawed, sure, but they're good people. They're doing one of the hardest jobs in the world. They fight a hidden war that's not seen by human eyes! They're...they're my friends, Alona."

"By 'they' you're including the demon too?"

"How do you know about her?"

"Angel radio, which you haven't been tuned into, apparently."

"It's too much chatter. I don't like it clogging up my mind. I really do appreciate you pulling me out of that, Alona."

"Don't expect me to do something like this for you again. Once someone finds out, I'll get heat for it. What will happen to me, I can only begin to guess. If I'm lucky, I'll get off with a warning, no punishment. But..."

"But what?"

"With your recent antics, it's...We always knew you wouldn't conform to Heaven's orders. But what you're doing, Vera...it's practically criminal."

"Criminal?" My eyes widen. "How are my actions criminal?"

"You've basically gone rogue. You don't heed any orders from your brethren, or Heaven. And I don't need to repeat myself about your...relationship with the Winchesters."

"If I'm considered a criminal to Heaven, then why haven't you turned me over?" I cross my arms.

"You're my friend," she states. "My friend who has never followed anyone's rules except her own."

"You can do that, too, Alona."

"You know that I can't."

Vera? It's Sam. Vera, hey, I hope you're alright. Try and find us when you can. We just made a major breakthrough with Anna. You need to be here to see for yourself.

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