XXI - Weapons Lesson

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XXI – Weapons Lesson

"We can't guarantee us staying for very long, we get at least a case a day. If we're on the road, we're on it for quite a bit," Sam tells me.

We're in the library of Bobby's house. The owner is on a hunt of his own, as it's just the Winchesters and I in the house. My wound from the motel room is stitched up and covered in patchwork. It's an awful reminder of my vulnerability. I don't like it.

"We made sure to write our numbers for you in case something comes up," says Dean, pointing to the piece of paper in front of me. "There're phones in the kitchen you can use to get a hold of us."

"And if I can't use the phone for any reason?" I ask.

"Then you hold out until you can get a hold of us somehow. Or use your angel pal to let us know."

"I don't think Alona will be helping me any longer." I scowl.

"You two get in a fight?"

"You could say that."

"Well, we're not going anywhere for now," Sam says, changing topics. "So, just make yourself comfortable, I guess. Just...try not to touch anything that looks like it shouldn't be touched."

"Does he have magical objects just lying around in the open?" I look around. "That's hardly smart."

I start to get accustomed to life as a human, as irritating as it is. My wound aches when I move, so I try not to as much so I don't aggravate it. I take a tour of the place, inside and out. I spend a lot of the time outside, admiring the rusting vehicles. Running my fingers along the dusty hoods. Taking note of the paint scratches and flat tires. If I'm human for a long time, maybe they'll teach me how to drive. I don't think the Winchesters would trust me with the black car they've got now.

Alona...I don't know what's gotten into you, but, please...my Grace, I want it back. I swear to you that it will the last favor I ever ask of you. I find it hard to believe that you have really turned your back on me. I look skyward, as though she'll give me a response. If anything, she'd probably give me a nasty one.

My mind thinks up another person who could probably help me. I doubt she will. What we shared that night...I'm still confused about the night with Ruby. It's hard to explain what she is to me. We shared a bed, and a night, together. She's also shared a bed with Sam, too.

It's really confusing.


I turn around to find Sam walking towards me. "Hi."

"Admiring the junkers?"

"I guess." I glance around. "It's a vehicle graveyard, these poor things."

"They've seen better days. You okay, Vera?"

"I'm...Truthfully, I don't know if I am, Sam." A gentle breeze picks up. "All of this, what's happening...it's almost overwhelming. To fall like I have...It's demeaning. I don't want being human to take me out of this fight. But since I can't know about future seals that have the potential to be broken, I guess I have to hold out and hope that somehow I can still do my part. Even if it means running around with you and Dean."

"How's your side?"

"Hurting, but not like before."

"When you passed out, we thought you were dead."

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