~XV~ - Union, Kentucky

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XV – Union, Kentucky

Despite finding the location of Anna's Grace thanks to Sam, we've run into an impasse.

Where Anna's Grace is supposed to be, it's not there. It's disappeared. So now, we're back to square one, a little dejected and tense.

We've sheltered ourselves in a barn. My brain is hurting, so I'm lost in my thoughts while Dean and Ruby argue with each other. I glance at Anna, who's most likely hearing the same thing that I am, on a loop. An ultimatum by the angels: We give up Anna or else.

"Um...guys?" Anna's voice is the thing that subdues the angel chatter in my skull. "The angels are talking again."

"What are they saying?" asks Sam.

"It's weird...Like a recording...a loop. It says, 'Dean Winchester gives us Anna by midnight, or...'"

"Or what?" asks Dean.

"'...or we hurl him back to damnation.'"

The look on Dean's face tells me he's frightened of Hell. That he most certainly doesn't want to go back. Nobody would want to go back, except for maybe demons. What happens in Hell...it's hard to not think about. Not that I've ever been to Hell.

"Anna...Do you know of any weapon that works on an angel?" asks Sam.

"To what? To kill them?"

Sam nods.

"Nothing we could get to...Not right now."

I bite down on my lip, making sure my blade is kept hidden. I want to tell them that my weapon is the one to kill angels. But some part of me fears that if I speak up, I'll get my own blade run right through me. Why would I think that? They've had chances to kill me. They haven't taken them. I should give them this advantage.

"Okay, wait, wait," Dean says. "I say we call Bobby. We get him back from hedonism."

"Dean, what's he gonna tell us that we don't already know?"

"I don't know, but we got to think of something!"

After a while, the group disperses. Dean leaves the barn, Anna a little while after him. Ruby, Sam, and I remain in the barn. Sam is back to the books, I run my fingers over the slender blade in my lap. I sense Ruby walking towards me.

"Hey, I'm gonna scram, see if I can find something that can give us a one-up on these winged bastards," she tells me. She nods towards my blade. "That gonna be of any use to us?"

I roll my tongue in my mouth, debating. Ruby is watching me with little patience in her brown eyes. "Perhaps."

"That's a yes. Why didn't you tell them this before?"

I shrug.

"Oh, I get it. You're scared shitless that if you tell them, they might snatch it from you and use it against you." She taps her temple. "I get it. I wouldn't want to tell them, either."

"Did you tell the others where you're going?"

"Nah, I don't need to burden them."

"But yet you're telling me?"

"Figured I'd tell you so that you didn't waste your time trying to spy on me thinking I was up to no good when I'm in fact trying to do good." She crosses her arms. "Get my method, feathers?"

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