~XXIX~ - A Fallen Comrade, and the Search for Justice

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~XXIX~ – The Fallen Comrade, and the Search for Justice

Do you ever have that feeling that your world is crashing all around you, and there's nothing you can to do stop it?

That's the exact feeling I get when I see her body, the impression of her wings singed into the grassy floor.

I feel water touch my face. No, not water, it's not raining. These are tears. Hastily, I wipe them away. Alona...

I feel a pain grow in my chest. What else is going to come falling down? Me? The world itself?

Not long after Dean was successfully admitted to a hospital, I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I abruptly left the hospital, and when I did, I had found myself in a clearing. I didn't understand why I was there until I saw what I'm seeing now.

Alona is dead. She was murdered. And I wasn't there to prevent it.

A lost feeling blankets over me. I've got no direction now. I've never been on my own.

Not true. You've been on your own this whole time. With the Winchesters and Ruby. Look at where you are. Yeah, I just lost a good friend. Lilith is winning against us, even as we try our hardest to stop her. Just when we think we have her, she breaks another seal.

I look around, wonder if the killer is still here. I'm ready to fight them, end them if I must. I won't allow this killer to walk. But I sense no other presence besides myself.

I'm alone.

Vera? It's Sam. Where'd you go?

I should be able to explain it to him and Dean when I find them again. He seems to be the only one who calls for me, Dean hasn't done so since we've met. I shouldn't be too surprised, Sam and I share a bond. Dean and I don't. Although, I will say he prefers me over Ruby. There are some things you can just tell.

If we did something...Please. We need you with us.

I lick my lips. Sam feels that they are the reason I fled? Why would he assume that? What have they done to make him believe that? To hear the hurt in his prayer...it hurts me.

Am I ready to rejoin the Winchesters, though? I look down at Alona's body. I can't leave her like this. It feels disrespectful to even think about it. Now that I'm looking down at her, I notice the big wound that ended her life. Only one weapon that I know of is able to make such a big hole: an angel blade.

An angel did this? I shake my head. No, that's not possible. A demon must've snatched her weapon and turned it against her. Yes, that's how it happened.

But then I think about recent events: Uriel removing my Grace. Alona retrieving it from me. The idea of angel-on-angel violence isn't such a longshot now. It's plausible, and it's something I really don't want to accept. What kind of madness have we walked into? If it's not Uriel, he had someone kill Alona. What if the hit was intended for me? Is her death a way to send me a message? Uriel knows Alona and I have been good friends since we were fledglings.

This is getting far too messy. Alona is the first to die who's close to me. Who's next?

I hope nobody else.

My skin prickles as I hear the familiar sound of wings.

"Let me guess: you've come to finish the job," I say steely.

"What are you talking about?"

I turn to find Castiel looking at me, bewildered. I'm trying my hardest to not jump to conclusions, but right now, I'm not in the best state of mind. "Take a look, Castiel, and tell me. Did you do this?"

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