~XXX~ - "Watch Your Back."

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~XXX~ – "Watch Your Back."

I envy humans.

They possess the ability to sleep, to close their eyes and forget the world they live in. Angels, we have no choice. We can talk to humans through dreams, sure, but that's as far as it goes.

To think, I actually miss sleeping, when all I did was fear it in my short time as a human.

Sam, for a while, had turned away from me. But now, he's lying across me, having his head nuzzled into my neck. Not the most usual after-sex position for sleeping, but I don't hate it. I don't move in case I accidentally wake him. Unlike me, he needs sleep. I smell like him just as he smells like me. Maybe I should put a claim on him, a warning for others to back off.

"Well, isn't this a peachy sight?" Ruby chimes softly. She emerges from the darkness. I hadn't even heard her or sensed her. I should have. "I missed out."

"I thought you would've watched like the pervert you are," I retort smartly, smirking.

"Hey, if you don't watch us, I don't watch you." She shrugs.

"Where've you been?"

"Trying to pick up more leads."

"You should have called for me, I would have come to help."

"Nah, some things I can handle on my own."

"Well, you don't look to be in pain, so I assume you didn't get yourself captured and tortured again."

"If I had, I would've called my angel to come retrieve me."

My angel. She makes it sound so endearing, when really it should have come out as a snarl or a growl.

"So...how was it?" She leans in, eyes twinkling with mischief.

"He, uh, wouldn't let me do much." I clear my throat awkwardly.

Ruby chuckles. "Now you know the feeling of being submissive."

I roll my eyes. "I prefer to be in control so that I know what's going on."

"Oh, I know you do." She slinks to the bed, touching my hair. "God, I don't know who I'm more jealous of."

"Well, I'm the better out of him and me." I hold my head.

Ruby pecks my mouth. "You sure are, feathers. No comparison."

I look down at Sam and his easy breathing. "I'm taking a leave from the Winchesters."




"My friend. She helped me get my Grace back. I found her earlier, murdered."

"Do you know who did it?"

"I have my theories, and they're not good. My bet is on Uriel, or one of his minions."

"Why him?"

"He's not directly aiding Lilith, but he's supporting her cause of freeing Lucifer."

"Well holy shit, that's a plot twist."

"Yeah, well, he's dead. So that rules Uriel out as a suspect—"

"No, it doesn't. He could have been the killer, V. So you just want to up and leave the Winchesters for a dead angel? You don't want to stop Lilith?"

"I still do," I retort. "I just...Alona has done a lot for me. To let her killer get away with this...I won't stand by and leave them faceless."

Ruby rubs her face. "Vera, you know who did it. It was that dickwad Uriel. If not him, someone who follows him. End of story. There's no reason to go digging."

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