Trouble and confusion

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After completing my full first day at Covington Prep, I was feeling pretty good. Josh and I had 

talked on the way to our classes and his friends sat with my friends. Unfortunately, that's when 

trouble started. See, after Josh left for Florida, I started to have a crush on a guy named Jack... his 

best friend. Jack's a year younger than Josh and extremely different but I like them both for 

different reasons. Josh has amazing blonde hair, wears t shirts and is about 6 feet tall. He's 

like the gorgeous jock that doesn't know he's popular. He's more quiet and reserved. Jack is the 

complete opposite. He's about 3 inches shorter with jet black hair. He's the preppy guy with a 

(jokingly) huge ego. He is hilarious and more out there and tries to get on my nerves. He 

(unfortunately) doesn't play soccer but plays football and basketball and is good at both. Both of 

them are so sweet and funny. Ugh! What is going on? I'm NOT one of those boy crazy kind of 

girls. So, Jack sat with us too because he's Josh's friend and he kept us all laughing the entire time. 

After a delicious lunch of chikfila, Hallie and I started to walk towards gym. She was smiling 

when I looked over. I frowned. "What aren't you saying to me?" She laughed and replied, "they are 

SO into you and you don't even notice." I looked at her confused. "Who?" She just rolled her eyes 

and walked into the locker rooms. "This conversation isn't over missy!" I marched after her. 

Luckily, the gym uniforms aren't bad compared to others. We had to wear the standard red 

tank tops that said, Covington, on them and our choice of Nike shorts. Not bad. 

I was French braiding my hair to keep it out of my face when I heard a screech. I looked over 

my shoulder at about five girls who were 

staring at me. They looked away and kept getting ready. Confused, (the feeling was starting to feel 

pretty normal), I looked at Hallie. "Holy crap, you've managed to look good in a gym uniform." she said.

"& they are totally jealous of your gorgeousness," she added with a whisper. Then she sighed. "It's no 

fair." I just laughed and said, "you don't look too bad yourself." It was true. Hallie was the only 

girl I knew that had a full on six pack. She had THE perfect body, but she argued with me 

and said that mine was just as good as hers. Riiiggghhhtttt. 

We walked to the gym and Jack caught up to us. I had to admit, I thought since they made the 

guys wear tank tops that it would be bad but I didn't mind staring at him for a few seconds. He 

was sturdy. Not completely ripped but very strong. Margaret soon caught up with us also and 

smiled at jack. "Looks like we're all in the same class, awesome!" Jack pretend groaned. "I have to 

be stuck with you people? Kill me now." Margaret punched him and I smiled. They would be so 

cute together, but I knew Marge didn't like him like that, they were just good friends. 

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