Fro yo dates

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Jack's POV

We were in the locker rooms, the team and I, getting pumped up for the big game. It was Friday and we

were playing our rivals, Matley Academy. Remember? The guys who hit on Cal at Starbucks? Yeah,

this was going to be a good game. We left the locker rooms and ran out onto the fields to begin our

warmup. A roar met our ears and I couldn't help but smile when I saw all of our supporters. I looked

over at the other team and I saw one of the guys from Starbucks looking at the stands. I followed his

gaze and saw that he was staring at none other than Cal. I understood why he was staring. Her hair

was loose and wavy and she wore a caramel colored dress and boots. The dress made her look tanner

and she looked amazing. She looked and saw the guy staring at her. He winked and she looked

disgusted. I smiled to myself. Me- 1, dude- 0. 

Cal's POV

I was so excited! The big game was tonight and the Fall dance tomorrow! I looked down at the field to

see the guy from Starbucks that hit on me, staring at me. He winked (gross!) and I made a face. Yeah

right buddy. I looked for Jack's number, #16, and saw him smiling. Huh, wonder what that's about.

Anyway, he looked over and I waved. He made a face, which made me laugh, and resumed stretching.

I definitely do not mind watching muscular, attractive men doing warmups. The game began and I was

already on my feet yelling in the first 5 minutes. 

The game was tied with only 8 seconds left in the fourth quarter. We had the ball and were on the 10

yard line. If we got this, we won. Jack was one of the wide recievers, so if he caught this, I would be

ecstatic. The quarterback threw the ball... and Jack caught it! He jumped over a guy straight into the

endzone! Maria and I started hugging and screaming. We won!!! We ran down to the field and Jack ran

over to me. Awww, he ran to one of his best friends instead of his team mates. He grabbed me in a hug

and I had to stand on my tiptoes to hug back. He pulled back and I smiled at him. "Jack, you did it! You

got the winning touchdown! Too bad I didn't see it, I was talking to Maria." He rolled his eyes and some

of his teammates came to grab him. One of his friends, a senior named Asher I think, winked at me and

started to say something but Jack grabbed him and shook his head. "Not today buddy." He grinned at

me and pulled him away. 

Jack's POV

WE WON!! Not even that. Even if we didn't win, I would still be glad that I got the last touchdown. We

went to get changed and go to the victory party. I hurried so I would be able to stay for a while. When I

got back to the field, they were playing a movie. I looked around and saw Margaret and Anders holding

hands together on a blanket. I smiled to myself and looked for someone else to sit with, without being

the third wheel. I finally Maria, Cal, Hallie and Meg. I walked through the crowd, several people called

out to me, and sat down.

My friends smiled at me and continued to watch the movie, which turned out to

be A Nightmare Before Christmas, in honor of Halloween only being two weeks away. The only one

who didn't seem interested was Cal. She was looking down at her phone and eating candy. I scooted

over towards her and whispered, "Why aren't you watching the movie?" She shook her head. "This

movie creeps me out, you know that." I thought for a second. "Hmmm... well, I have to get home kind of

early because of tomorrow but we could go get some fro yo for a little bit. And then I could take you

home..." She looked at me and grinned. "Fro yo sounds great." We said goodbye to our friends and

walked to my car. We drove to a popular frozen yogurt place called Fro Yo Fo Yo. Cal got her usual,

chocolat and vanilla swirl with strawberries, whipped cream and fudge. I got chocolate with brownie

bites, whipped cream and caramel. We sat and talked about random things until the dance came up.

I licked my spoon and asked the dreaded question I had been thinking about. "So... are you mad I

asked you? Were you waiting for someone else?" She finished her bite and looked at me. "I wasn't

waiting for anyone in perticular..." she didn't meet my eyes, "but I knew that I wanted to go with

someone that I liked, not romantically of course..." I nodded. I made my voice super high, "OMG, you

like, don't even like anyone right now?!" She laughed and rolled her eyes. Her smiled slowly slipped

and she said, "I don't know. I'm kind of in a weird place." Shoot, I thought, there's a guy but she doesn't

want to say. Come on. I sighed to myself. She threw her bowl away and folded her hands together,

jokingly. "So what about you Mr. Jack. Were you waiting to ask some special little lady?" I frowned. "I

was going to ask Ashley," Cal made a hilarious face. (I knew she hated Ashley, she was one of those

fake everything kind of girls) "But... I had to save you first." I kept a staight face. Cal searched my face.

"Um.. yeah, well." I knew she was trying not to gag. "You can go with her if you want." She scrunched

her nose unconciously. I burst out laughing and she immediantly knew I was kidding. 

I dropped her off at her house after a couple more minutes of laughing. "See you tomorrow, not-so-

much-date." She laughed and waved. I watched her walk into her house and sighed. Dang, she didn't

meet my eyes when she said she wasn't waiting for anyone. Annndddd... she didn't exactly answer my

question when I asked her if she liked anyone. Hmmm... yep, this girl definitely liked a guy and it

probably wasn't me. She was probably waiting for him to ask her. Wow, way to screw things up Jack. 

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