Closer than you think

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Cal's POV

The car drove down the driveway and turned left instead of right. I knew that was because they were

going from here straight to Texas. I stopped waving and my smile dropped. I swallowed and blinked,

hard. I turned to see Jack staring at me. He bit his lip and walked over. He pulled me into a hug and

squeezed tightly. I blinked back tears and his warm embrace almost made me smile. He looked me in

the eyes, "You really liked him, didn't you?" It wasn't a question. He knew and his eyes were pained. I

nodded and wiped a tear. "The first time he left, I was upset because I had a huge crush on him. When

he came back, I thought... I thought I had a chance. But he's gone. He left again." I looked away, trying

to hide my tears. Jack cleared his throat and I turned back to look at him. He looked hurt but he said,

"Cal, Josh really liked you. He talked about you all the time and I know that he felt the same way about

you that you did him. I'm sorry he left, I really am, he was my best friend; but you deserve a guy who is

here and will treat you right." He rushed on, "not that Josh wouldn't treat you right. But if you date

someone, I want him to love you the way I do." He swallowed, "as a friend." He added. I nodded but

was confused. I loved him but not in that way (I think) and I knew he felt the same way... right?

Jack's POV

It was hard to see Cal cry when Josh left. She wasn't exactly crying, it was more of a couple tears. Either

way, I was sad to see it. I wanted to cry myself, but not for the same reasons. First, there was the fact

that Josh was my best friend and he was leaving again. Second, I told Cal that Josh really liked her. It

was hard to say but she needed to know that he really cared about her. Then, I told her that I loved

her... as a friend. And I do, but more than that. I wanted to tell her how I really felt about her but she had

just kissed Josh, telling her my feelings would probably confuse her. When Josh was talking to her, I

watched in pain as he leaned down and kissed her. It wasn't as bad as watching Carson but it was still

painful. She wrapped her arms around his neck and I looked away. When they pulled apart he kissed

her again and left. She waved goodbye but I knew that the smile on her face was forced. I knew that I

shouldn't be jealous of Josh. He had waited for that moment a long time and he was leaving. Maybe I

could have a moment like that.... I shook the thought out of my head. Right now, I had to concentrate on

being there for Cal, like a good friend would. 

Later, we got on the bus and started towards home. I sat next to Cal and she stared out of the window

for a while. Finally, I couldn't stand it. "Cal, hey Cal. Please, stop being upset. I hate to see you like this.

If I can't cheer you up, just know that there is a guy out there somewhere who's right for you." I muttered,

"and he might be closer than you think." She didn't hear that last part, thank goodness, and smiled.

"Thanks Jack. I know I shouldn't be upset. It wasn't like we were dating. He was my good friend and I'll

get to see him on breaks when he visits. I'm sorry I haven't been the best bus partner." I smiled and

pointed at the bus TV. "Woah, look whats on!" She looked towards the TV and I put my arm around her.

She looked at my arm and burst out laughing at the inside joke. I grinned and took away my arm. She

wiped away a tear of laughter and shook her head, "you really are the best friend I could've asked for,

you know that?" I thought about it. "Yeah, I know. You could say it more often though..." I teased. She

pushed my arm lightly, closed her eyes and brought her legs up on the chair. A couple minutes later,

she was asleep and her head had fallen gently on my shoulder. I brushed a strand of hair out of her

face. I looked at her petite figure curled up and her face that was beautiful even as she was sleeping.

Take care of her for me, Josh had said. She snuggled closer and sighed in her sleep. I smiled.   

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