Guy magnet

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Cal's POV

We got back to the school around 7:00 and started to unpack the bus. Because the administration knew

how tired we would be, they said we didn't have to come to school the next day. Anyway, we stood up

to get off the bus and my legs gave away from sitting too long. Jack caught me before I hit the ground.

He set me on my feet and steadied me. I stared into his deep brown eyes that were like melted

chocolate. He still had his hands on my shoulders and I looked away, knowing I stared for a second too

long. He took his hands away and cleared his throat. "Um... thanks." I smiled awkwardly. In my head, I

was thinking about how cliché that moment was but I secretly liked it. He bit his lip and pointed towards

the door. "Ladies first." I made a face and walked off of the bus with him following close behind. I was

about  to grab my bag when he swatted my hand away. I frowned but understood when he tugged my

bag from under the pile. I was slightly offended that he thought I couldn't get it but we both knew I

wouldn't be able to. He handed it to me with a knowing look and I stuck out my tongue. He grabbed his

bag and we both walked over to Hallie's car, since she was taking both of us home. We climbed in and

started towards my house. Hallie and Margaret were talking in the front so I turned towards Jack and

said, "Hey, lets go to lunch tomorrow. Just you and me as friends. We haven't done anything together in

a while. You want to?" He nodded and we talked a little more about it. We got to my house and I got my 

things from the back. "Bye guys! See y'all soon!" I walked inside and sat down. My parents were out but

they told me they would see me in the morning. 

I woke up around 11:15 and started to get ready. I pulled on leggings, my big caramel sweater, and

combat boots. I pulled my hair into a messy top knot and put in some earrings. My makeup, as always,

was subtle and natural but enhanced the things I liked. Mascara and charcoal eyeliner, and a swipe of

NAKED Foxy, which made the gold flecks in my eyes stand out. I grabbed my wallet, phone, and girl

stuff and put it in my purse. I waved goodbye to my parents as Jack's car pulled into the driveway, right

at 11:45. He got out and, like always, opened my door. We made small talk as we drove to the small

café connected to Starbucks. 

Jack's POV

I know what you're thinking. Isn't that pretty much a date? Well, not really. A date is when both people

want it to be. Unfortunately, I don't think Cal feels that way so I have to pretend that I want to be just

friends too. So we are eating, alone, making conversation, as just friends. Well, best friends actually.

The café was small and connected to Starbucks, which meant we could get warm drinks and lunch. We

walked up to the counter and Cal smiled at the server. I caught myself staring but I couldn't help it. She

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