Friend zone?

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Cal's POV

After Zaxby's, we all got back on the bus and settled into our seats. I fell asleep again pretty easily and

when I woke up, we were there. I jumped up excitedly and stared at the campsite. It was extremely

gorgeous. Since we were in 11th and 12th grade, there were only a couple chaperones and we could

go anywhere without an adult as long as it was on the site. 

We started unpacking when we got into our cabin. I was sharing it with, of course, Hallie, Maria,

Margaret, Laura and Meg. I decided to head to the campfire and go to the lake tomorrow. I pulled on

a big Tennessee sweatshirt and leggings and I walked towards the fire. A lot of people had decided

to go to bed early so hardly anyone was around the fire. Jack and Anders were in a group talking to

some guys and a couple girls were huddled together but that was about it. I grabbed a chair

and pulled it closer to feel the warmth. Jack walked over and sat down next to me. He gave me a

marshmellow on a stick. I took it from him eagerly and stuck it next to the fire. We sat like that, just

roasting marshmellows next to the fire. 

I pulled out my phone and took a silly selfie of us eating marshmellows and put it on insta. Almost

immediantly, people commented things like, "awww so cute!" and "yall just need to date" and "luckies!" I

almost did a double take at the second comment. I showed it to Jack and he laughed but it didn't seem

very sincere. I shook my head and turned off my phone. After a while longer, we started talking about

cheesy pick up lines and things guys do. Jack said "oh, look at that shooting star!" and followed the

pretend star with his finger and put his arm around me. I burst out laughing and said, "that's probably

the best one yet!" I looked at him and saw that he was smiling. I realized that we had been staring a

little too long and I cleared my throat. He took his arm off, bit his lip to stop a smile, and looked at the

fire. I was probably blushing but you couldn't tell, thank goodness, because of the warmth of the fire. I

stood up and checked my phone. 12:40. We had sat there for about 3 hours. He put his hand out and I

grabbed it and pulled him to his feet. "Goodnight Jack," I whispered. He hugged me and we headed to

our seperate cabins. 

Jack's POV

The campfire was great, and yes, because of Cal. I smile every time I think of her. Her dazzling smile,

her perfect eyes that reflected the fire and shone with laughter, her hair falling out of  her bun and

tumbling across her shoulders, the way she threw her head back when she laughed. She was

beautiful, but it wasn't just her appearence. It was on the inside, the way she didn't care what

others thought about her, the way she loved life. I sighed. Dang, I'm hopelessly falling for this girl.

During the time when we were sitting next to each other, our knees would touch and we would bump

into each other laughing. I put my arm around her shoulders, showing her a cheesy pick up line that

guys sometimes do. We stayed like that a little too long and when she looked at me, in that moment, I

wanted to kiss her so bad. I held myself back but it was hard. She cleared her throat and looked down

at the ground. I took my arm away and thought about what wouldve happened if I did kiss her. I tried not

to smile and she stood up. She pulled me up, her hand small but strong, fitting perfectly into mine. I

pulled her into a hug and she said goodnight. When we walked to our cabins, I looked at her retreating

figure and smiled. I hopped into bed and just lay there, thinking about... well, you know.

I woke to the sound of Josh telling the others to get up. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I jumped down off

of the top bunk and pulled on a plain blue shirt. I was sure my hair was a mess and I probably had

pillow marks on my face but I walked outside. The air was warm but cool and I was glad. That meant we

could go swimming later. I headed towards the pavilion, grabbed some food and sat down. Someone

sat down next to me and punched my arm lightly. "What's up sleepy head?" I turned to look at Cal. "How

can you be so awake?" She smiled, "I've been up for a couple hours." It was only 9:45 and if she had

been up for a couple of hours, plus the fact that we left the campfire at almost 1... I shook my head and

started eating. I looked over at her, she was munching on an apple and staring across the room at

something. I looked to where she was staring and sighed. It was Josh, he was laughing and talking to

some friends. Cal smiled to herself and looked down at the table. Great, she was probably in love with

Josh and I will forever remain in the friend zone. She turned towards me, shaking me out of my

thoughts. "Hey, lets go swimming today!" I nodded and took my empty plate to the trashcan. I turned

back and she was frowning at me. "What?" I asked slowly. She squinted her eyes at me. "Why are you

upset?" I was taken aback. Dang, she knew me well. I shrugged, "I'm not. Okay, get a bunch of people

together and we can go swimming at like 10:30, sound good?" She nodded and walked off. 

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