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Cal's POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing on my bedside table. I checked my clock; 9:30. I rolled

over and answered my phone. "Hello?" my voice was groggy. A shrill voice answered, "Hellooooooo

sleeping beauty!!! Wakey wakey, it's time to go shopping! Or did you forget?" I sat straight up. "Um no, of

course I didnt forget Laura, cause that would be stupid." I was mentally smacking myself and jumping

out of bed. She said goodbye and I hurried to change. I did a loose french braid into a ponytail and

slipped on a flowy white t-shirt and high waisted shorts. I put on my hipter-ish, but ENTIRELY needed,

glasses (I only wear them when I don't feel like wearing my contacts), grabbed a sweater and pulled on

navy blue vans. I finished getting my stuff together and brushing my teeth when Laura pulled in. I left a

note for my parents and ran out the front door. I climbed into the car and Hallie, Maria, Laura and

Margaret greeted me. "This is going to be so fun!"

Josh's POV

I woke up at 8:30, why? Because I have detention. At least it's only 2 hours. After that, I have to go to

Barnes and Noble and get a couple books for school. What a great start to a great day. I pulled on a t-

shirt and shorts and brushed my teeth. I climbed into my car and drove the five minutes it took to get to

Covington. Time for detention. 

Jack's POV

I woke up late this morning, which isn't unusual for me but I didn't want to be late today. I rushed in

getting ready and drove to Covington. I arrived right before Principal Jones walked in. Josh shook his

head and smiled. I looked around and mentally groaned. Carson was staring straight back at me.

Technically, we weren't allowed to speak but I doubt the principal would be in the room the whole time,

which meant that Carson was going to make these two hours hell for me. I sat down and Carson was

still glaring at me. I made a face and turned away. This was going to be soo much fun. 

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