Little girls and autographs?

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Jack's POV

The school week passed quickly, not having school on Monday really helped. Finally, it was Friday and

after football practice I went home and took a shower. I had to look nice for Cal and I's "date". I pulled on

a Red Seer Sucker shirt and some navy blue shorts and checked my phone. 7:15. I still had about 5

minutes until I had to go get Cal. I grabbed my wallet and stuffed it into my pocket. I went downstairs

and my little brother was grinning at me. Really, he's only two years younger but that's littler than me.

"What?" I asked as I was still rushing around. "I hope you have fun on your date with the woman of your

dreams," he laughed. I glared at him. "First of all, it's not a date. We are doing this to help a friend," he

continued to look skeptical, "and second of all, I don't like Cal that way, we're best friends." The lie

almost made me choke. He shook his head. "Whatever bro, deny it all you want." He walked off leaving

me and my annoyed self. I hopped into my car and started the drive to Cal's. When I got there, she must

have been watching for me because she walked out immediantly. When I saw her, I gulped. She was

wearing a gold dress with an open back. If she was cold, she didn't show it. Her hair was slightly curlier

and half was pulled back into a small fishtail. Her makeup, as usual, was barely noticable but

enhanced her natural beauty. I got out of my car and tried to make it look like I was about to pass out. I

opened her door and helped her in. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I cleared my throat and

tried again. "You look amazing for a fake date." She laughed. "Even if it's fake, I'm still going to dress the

way I would if it were real." We need to go on fake dates more often, I thought. 

Cal's POV

Even if this was a fake date, I was really excited. I got to wear my new golden dress that my mom said

was designer brand. I didn't know what designer but I was happy to have it. Jack looked preppy as

usual in his seer sucker shirt and navy shorts. We got to Crusty's in about 10 minutes, perfectly on time.

Crusty's is a new restaurant, quaint and slightly fancy. When we walked in, Hunter and Hallie were

already sitting down awkwardly. She waved us over and we walked over to their table. Jack pulled out

my chair for me (ahhh, such a gentleman) and we sat down. The waiter came to take our order and kept

staring at me creepily. I glanced over at Jack and he was glaring pointedly at him. He saw Jack's

expression and looked away quickly. I pretended not to notice and ordered a Perrier. We made small

talk and then trouble started. 

A couple of cute little girls walked up to our table and smiled at me. "Um.. hi, what can I do for you

ladies?" I asked politely. They both giggled and said, "My name's Kate and this is Ally. Can we get your

autograph?" My whole table looked confused and I was thinking, no no no, this can't be happening.

How did they know? I gave them a tight smile and said, "Sure guys." They handed me their little pads

and I signed them. One of them held up a phone to Jack and I got out of my seat. They stood on either

side of me and I kind of leaned down so I wouldn't be so tall. He took a picture and gave the phone

back to them. They giggled and ran off. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I opened my eyes and

looked back at my table. They were all staring at me. 

Jack's POV

Okay so, everything was going fine and then something weird happened. A couple girls walked up to

Cal and asked to get autographs. Cal almost looked like she was going to faint... but not from

happiness. She looked almost like, like this had happened before. She said yes and signed their little

pads and got a picture. What was weird was that it all seemed natural, like she was used to this. Like,

she had a secret. Had this happened before and why? What was going on?

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